Blockstruggle idea

New Member
Jun 17, 2002
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Instead if when you block you move backwards, why not hold your hand out in front, you let the beam hit you, you stand still holding the beam, and if you block it, take the animation (of the swoop with the hand away) and there you blocked it.

Becuase its quite irritating that 1st of all you can always block even if your pl is tons less, or if your strong enuf but dont have enuf ki left you can still loose becuz ur bein pushed back.

Alsow if someone blocks it now, it seems ur using some aura to deflect it, and i only saw someone deflect something with there aura if there tons stronger and dont even need to use there limbs to block it, comments plz :laff:
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💻 Oldtimer
Jan 27, 2003
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yeah, but if you have a higher pl, and the closer the bar is to the blue section, the slower you move back, so it isnt really that much to worry about. And besides, theres no point going on about blockstruggles, cause if you gave the time to read the 1.2 outline, you would have found that they are advancing it.

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