Anime = Geekish Nerds With No Life?!?

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Nov 24, 2001
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berserk anyone?!

how anyone could think a show that involves extremely gorey violence, demonic rape, insanely twisted story line, and other mentally disturbing imagery is for children is beyond me
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Oct 2, 2002
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You are posting on the -ANIME AND MANGA FORUM- >_>

You aren't going to find a lot of people with negative opinions on anime, myself included...

But anyways yeah. From my extremely biased standpoint I have to say that most people that talk about how you're being childish for "watching cartoons" are just ignorant and don't understand what anime actually is.
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Mar 23, 2002
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i hate most animes... im very, very picky when it comes to anime.

and i agree with hibbers... everyone ive shown berserk to loved it and now wants to borrow it haha
New Member
Dec 3, 2001
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Amayirot Akago said:
I say let them bask in their ignorance. See if we care if they're missing out on the greatest thing ever to come out of Japan.
Most of the **** coming out of japan is over-rated. Once a manga gets into animation, it's known. If it stays in manga form, it usually isnt.

People should read more. I'm also picky when it comes to which one I like. I'm really sick of some of the new crap they pump out. Anyone who watches it just because it's an ANIMATION from japan should be shot.
New Member
May 30, 2003
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I suppose you have to look at the circumstance. Most DBZ fans in the U.S. are kids under 12, which bothers me. A lot of cases in which someone is a huge anime fan, they do happen to be 'nerdish' in that they have limited friends, thick glasses, possibly poor hygene, etc. Of course like any stereotype, you can't appy it to everyone. But also like a lot of stereotypes, you can apply it to a lot, or some people.

I have a wide range of friends, ranging from the goths to jocks. So do I see examples? Yes. Is everyone that likes anime geekish nerds with no life? Of course not.
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Dec 3, 2002
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I have to say...I know some very nerdish anime fans. I have one bud named Manny who IMs me slobbering all over himself for various anime chicks. I mean literally, he is like, supremely attracted to the characters. It borders on disturbing. What's worse--he's 23!

Not everyone's like that, same as anything. But I believe that stereotypes exist in part because of a percentage of truth to them. Then again, I don't really have a stance on this personally--I associate anime fandom entirely with Sailor Alea, after our frequent arguments, as stupid as that is.
New Member
Sep 7, 2004
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SaiyanPrideXIX said:
I have to say...I know some very nerdish anime fans. I have one bud named Manny who IMs me slobbering all over himself for various anime chicks. I mean literally, he is like, supremely attracted to the characters. It borders on disturbing. What's worse--he's 23!
who doesn't? *drowls* :p

hehe... j/k... or am i?
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 3, 2002
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BS Kel...that's like saying, "I'd really like to rape that dude's 6 year old sister." and responding with, "To each his own."

I just think that the kid has some kind of strange mental problem.

My only stereotype of an anime fan is that I almost never get along with them; I never knew why, but it has always been that way for me. Which is weird, because while not an avid anime fan, I do like some of it. It's just when they get "too japanese" that I don't like them as much.
New Member
Sep 7, 2004
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SaiyanPrideXIX said:
BS Kel...that's like saying, "I'd really like to rape that dude's 6 year old sister." and responding with, "To each his own."
dude thats like bad hentai u are talking about there :p
New Member
Nov 8, 2004
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I think there are 2 different levels of anime fans.

Level 1: People like me, you have your designated favorite shows that you MUST watch/read every new episode and manga that comes out and you enjoy it very much. You like to be in communitys based on that anime you enjoy. You'll have sigs, avatars, and wallpapers about it on your desktop and you will talk about it alot. (this can be your everyday normal joe, or someone borderlining geekness)

Then there is level 2

Level 2: You cosplay the anime, you try to revolve your life around the anime and try to live out episodes of it in real life. You dress in clothes similar to your favorite character, you base your personality on them to. You fantasize about the characters, and you find cartoon characters attractive, you have fantasys about them, you look at hentai about them. Basically you find the anime a better life then reality, and you are overly attracted to fictional characters. (This is a geek/nerd)

Simply put, I am a Level 1 anime fan.

w00t go Naruto, #1 anime EVER!
Lost in space
Oct 21, 2003
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Hibiki said:
berserk anyone?!

how anyone could think a show that involves extremely gorey violence, demonic rape, insanely twisted story line, and other mentally disturbing imagery is for children is beyond me

Many people enjoy various forms of entertainment, I wouldn't categorize someone just by a way they entertain themselves. Especially not to that degree.

I also wouldn't take anyone seriously who says that either, since they probably have little-to-no clue about what they're talking about.

(It's cool to hate on someone as long as everyone else is!)

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