Adult Gohan

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Dec 13, 2002
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Mystic Gohan does not do any new attacks, but he does do a LOT of melee, whereas Goku in ssj3 and gotenks as well fight with a good bit of ki attacks

I said frontal ki attacks, meaning a 45-30 degree arc in front of him, but you can still hurt him anyways with detonating your blasts early, hitting him in the non-arc, and hitting him with blobs. If you hit him in the arc, u start a powerstruggle. The reason for this is that goku does more ki attacks as a ssj3, gohan mainly melees, this would signify it.

Mystic would be for people who prefer melee, ssj3 for people who enjoy high power explosive attacks, and Majin for people who like being resiliant
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Dec 13, 2002
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"Goku did a better job against Buu when he was SSj3 than Gohan did in Mystic. Adult Gohan was just not on the same level as Goku or Vegeta by the time he hit mystic, so his power level didn't make a whole lot of difference. A reversed example is how Tien was capable of holding Cell form 2 off with Shin-Kikoho. He didn't do any damage to Cell, but his technque was advanced enough to work as effectively as it did at such a small power level. Gohan was strong, but he didn't know what he was doing, and so he lost miserably"

You must be a moron or blind....
Gotenks admits that Mystic Gohan is stronger than he, hence Mystic>ssj3, you can also tell it is. Goku didnt do a better job at all. Gohan fought super buu for a long period of time and at the beginning was holding his own quite well, this is also after having fought Tall Buu, he was also caught off guard. Goku ssj3 didnt do jack to buu, and he couldnt have defeated fat buu as ssj3. Mystic can also be maintained indefinately, ssj3 costs Goku his life. ss3j is weaker than Mystic, everyone knows it, even Goku and Gotenks, now be quiet
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Jan 10, 2003
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I hate to pull this up 13? I know they pulled alot of BS in that one but SSJ3 Goku is stronger than everyone else in that movie. I'd say that Mystic is on par with SSJ3.
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Dec 13, 2002
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Its bout just the DBZ series tho and not the movies Pot-Man!

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Jan 10, 2003
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It's okay, I don't blame you for changing your name to Twilight after Triangle man hit you on the head with a frying pan.(j/k)o_o

Besides, the writers, man, blame the writers.
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Nov 10, 2002
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All I know is that SSJ3 Gokou is stronger than Mystic Gohan.
When Gokou was fighting with Fat Buu. It was soooo obvious he
was holding back. And Gokou could hold his ground along with
Vegeta at SSJ2 When Super Buu came after them, After Buu
had Absorbed Piccolo, Goten, Trunks and Gohan. SSJ3 Gokou also
puts up a fight with Kid Buu. And he tries in that fight.

For all those who say Mystic Gohan is Stronger than SSJ3 Gokou
you can all just gotto hell :p SSJ3 Triumphants over Mystic Anytime.
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Jan 10, 2003
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They weren't holding their own (lol) they were barely escaping an ass whipping! (LOL!):talk:

Besides, why don't you go research their power levels from an official website or summat like that? (not American mind you) You'll see that Mystic Gohan was stronger than SSJ3 Goku during the Buu saga.
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Dec 13, 2002
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You are completely wrong

Goku admits that when he fought fat buu he was holding back, but that he didnt know if he could have beaten him if trying

Goku/Vegeta did not hold their ground versus super buu, they got their asses kicked by a playful super buu

ssj3 Goku only puts up a fight with kid buu cuz Gohan is dead

ssj3 is weaker than mystic, goku admits it, and it also cant be sustained
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Jan 9, 2003
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Hey, I'm not going to flame even though you are. You missed a sentence in my post though.

"Adult Gohan was just not on the same level as Goku or Vegeta by the time he hit mystic, so his power level didn't make a whole lot of difference."

His power level may have been significantly higher, but he didn't use it very well, and he lost the fight because of that. When he fought Debura (sp?) it was obvious he was out of practice, and it effected his capabilities enormously. The only way to reflect his rusty ass skills in ESF would be to give him a lower power level then the SSj3 characters. That's what I meant.
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Jan 9, 2003
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Come to think of it, wasn't Gohan's new power level reliant on his confidence? When Buu started putting the smack down on him his capabilities fell through the floor. If that's the case perhapse a mystic's power level should begin dropping earlier than 10 life.
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Jan 16, 2003
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we talk about 2 things in here: power, and skill
in power, mystic gohan goes beyond SSJ3 goku, but in skill SSJ3 goku wins
but... in the game, the character only holds the power, the skill is YOURS, you combine YOUR skill with that character's POWER

and the fact that everyone admitted that mystic gohan is stronger just makes it true, and the truth is that SSJ3 goku fought better against kid buu so they(the creators) could make him the hero, AGAIN(bah, super annoying, they promised that gohan will be the hero after the cell fight, even the begining of the show shows gohan as the hero and goku on the side... bah)
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Jan 7, 2003
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in gt gohan went ssj
but its gt.... so who cares? *g*
gt=children-dragonball :)
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Jan 1, 2003
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Ok so adult gohan-
Normal (has weak kame from start)
speed= 150 hp=100
Ssj x1.5 (low multiplier to reflect how utterly **** weak he was as ssj)
speed=170 hp=110
Mysticx3.5 permenant.
speed=450 hp=230 (hp not THAT impressive to reflect the fact that as soon as he started fighting some1 stronger than him he was down and out in 1 ep. Thanks to dende he kept going, for one punch then buu started up an attack and it was normal goku who saved them, cause gohan was to scared, as usual and remember its a permenant transformation that takes no ki...)

speed=216 hp=110
Ssj x 2
speed=280 hp=120
Super Vegetax1.5(slightly faster, significant increase in hp)
speed=290 hp=160
speed=390 hp= 200
Majinx1.5 (hp regenerate slowly auto, ki loss LESS than ssj2, SAME as ki loss when ssj, so he will have the most ki which will mean his moves FF and BB will be ps able and he can teleport the most and stuff. plus he gains a move that is STRONG that he can move while loading)
speed=400 hp=220

speed=216 hp =110
speed=280 hp=120SSJ2x2
speed=360 hp=180SSJ3x2.5

pls not also SSJ3 goku was stronger than gotenks ssj3. Ur a fool if u think otherwise. Mystic gohan was stronger than goku yes but his complete lack of fighting sense made him pathetically weak.
The main thing u have to do is make sure
a) adult gohan only has ssj as he never goes ssj2 (if he does tell me and if u can prove it ill remove this)
b) This is the most important one, his ssj (ssj2) multipliers must be WEAK. as well as his speed and hp in all forms before mystic. Cause he was. He was laughably weak. "Ill take u buu with my full power!!! YAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Small ki blast by buu. "gohan..hes...hes dead..."
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Nov 10, 2002
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Well your all wrong :p
I still say Kakarott is stronger than Mystic Gohan :p

I mean, Dont you guys remember what he told Goten?
"Its only logical that Trunks is stronger than you because hese older"

So Gokou is older + more experienced than Gohan. And going to
all those After Life tournaments. Bah gohan is cheap. Now that I
think about it as Adult Gohan he pulled a GT Vegeta ;(

Fricken had his powers unleashed instead of training 7 years like
his father. That kinda thing just pisses me off :\ :p
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Jan 6, 2003
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i would like to see the little kid gohan , kid gohan and teen gohan that be cool lol thay could have little kid gohan doing his rage thing where he gets a red aura and head buts his opponent
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Jan 9, 2003
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When Gohan started to lose confidence his power level dropped like a rock, and that's why I think he should start losing his power level at like 50 health instead of 10 like everybody else.
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Aug 23, 2002
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Shut the !@#$ up read these post and see how stuipid all you ppl sound sound. and Proud_Prince there is a BIG differance between who LOOKS cooler and who is STRONGER.
The only reason you think ssj3 Goku is sronger becasue he looks cooler.
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Jan 10, 2003
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No no, he's got a point this time. His power level may have been through the roof, but because he didn't really know what he was doing due to his lack of practice and ACTUAL training the difference in power level didn't make up for all that much. I mean, having power is one thing, having experience is a whole lot more. That's why Vegitto owned Buu no matter what happened, otherwise it would have been another Gohan flop when the Sayjin turned into a candy drop. Without experience you aint got skills, you got Skittles!:p
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Dec 20, 2002
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Mystic gohan had plenty of confidence when he fought gotenks buu but it was not untill buu beat him up that he lost it. Not only is gohan less skillful than goku he is far weaker than even mystic. When goku fought kid buu he appeared to be stronger than him only buu could regenerate and goku said he was three times as strong as buu ever was. i think that would include even gohan buu
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Dec 13, 2002
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wasnt stronger than Gohan buu, cuz Goku couldnt have had a chance to beat Gohan buu

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