about DBZ mods and the people who say stuff about them

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Dec 16, 2001
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you know whats funny as hell, all of you pick a DBZ mod and then your like oooh that sucks, but no ESF I think is pretty fun, I love the music, like it just started out, its not that great gameplay wise I don't think, but I still check the website to see the new stuff they have, because the mod isn't so bad, DMZ is just so damn fun, its an addictive game the way they did the gameplay, they have been working on it for a while, why can't you people just like both mods? I am not saying you don't have to, but there's no reason to play one for a sec and say it sucks, just shut up. I have played bfp thats also fun, I bet a lot of the new mods aren't going to suck, I just can't stand how little they make updates and stuff like that, because and I know its being like stupid but one of the only way I will know they are doing some stuff is if they give us visuals, but sometimes they need to do coding like botm did, and I was on their back about it, nothing big, just wondering why, and it was because they needed to code there models were done and stuff nothing to really show. You guys have to understand as i am understanding right now these people have lives and aren't here to serve you day and night, because if you had a website, believe me its a hassle to update everysecond i guess less you know javascript and shit I don't though. I am not like 25+ like these people might be. Just stop being losers and appreciate both mods. Because I have tried modelling and its hard, I have tried mapping and its hard, and all the stuff is hard, and when you don't live by each other and are about 1,000 miles away its hard to put all your work together when one is busy and the other is not and vice versa. I am realizing this as I type it. None of this is bullshit. Some people just want to relax and not stress themselves so much. The DBZ mods don't suck

Yes I did post this in one of the threads, but I wanted people to see this. At least they will understand something.
New Member
Dec 23, 2001
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I really just plain don't like DMZ, it's not anything personal, I just don't like it.
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Dec 16, 2001
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Alright then why don't you like it? I am not trying to be a jackass, but at least justify yourself.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 26, 2001
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DMZ is ok i guess but it has limited attacks and that button bashing technique is just Annoying!

Lost in space
Sep 1, 2002
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i dont like dmz cos i dont really like doing the combos and the models are to big i think, i like esf cos its easy to use, fun and and models are the best models i have ever seen lol


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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 24, 2001
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Actually, and personally what u say is what I don't like. It's everybody's own opinion, what do u think everybody just says like: because it has a stupid name (Dragon Mod Z isnt very original) I don't like it ?!?!?!?!? Do you suriously think that? Let me say that I think that they have better arguments then that. If they want to say its a bad game let them, if they think that, that's their point of vieuw, they don't have to give arguments for that just because u say so.

Even tough what u say isn't true I heard lots of arguments, crappy graph, s**** gameplay, not being loyal to their fans enough for me. Why does it even bother u what others think about it, if u like it go ahead nobody will stop ya

Pointless thread I'd say

Greeetz Naz AKA [DCC]Trunks
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Dec 16, 2001
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Because they need to realize this, and obviously ESF had some bugs too, the models suck to tell you the truth, and DMZ is original for putting the button technique in, pointing and clicking isn't all that fun, DMZ makes it more like a game like a video game for a console. See like you, you were bothered by what I said and you advise me not to just shutup because why should they have to justify themselves, why do I care. Your doing the same thing, why do you need to tell me. My reason is because I want people to realize what there saying is stupid, now yes your right i shouldn't care, I guess when I wrote what I wrote it was really what I thought, and yes some of its true, you obviously don't know.:) And you saying this is a pointless thread, why do you talk. See your contradicting yourself buddy, your a hipacrit, and that doesn't really help your agruement. I just like to hear why people don't like the game, theres my reason, now however stupid it sounds that doesn't really matter because its what I think!
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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Why do peep always argue about this!!! Just let it be!! Dont argue about it unlees u truly feel that u have somethin to back it up!! DMZ isnt that bad!! Its not great like ESF, but its not bad *cough**cough*with scripts*cough**cough* Just stop this mod bashing!!
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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cant we all just get along?

yeah right like that will ever happen....
New Member
Dec 23, 2001
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Originally posted by gogetenks jr.
Alright then why don't you like it? I am not trying to be a jackass, but at least justify yourself.
For some reason when I play it I get really motion sick. Thus, why I don't like it.
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 2, 2001
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best dbz models = bid for power i dont car if it is a q3 mod it still has the best models =P
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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no i think dbq has better models.....

bfp does not have good models... i was looking at there goku and he only has 3 fingers.....

look next time u play at be amazed at the 3 fingered man....


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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 24, 2001
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Yes it's an useless threat.. just saying u shouldn't bother, BTW I've never played DMZ and I don't judge the game or anyone who plays it. And coz u say it I actually feel kinda stupid for replying to this pointless threat :p

Greetz Naz AKA [DCC]Trunks
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Nov 25, 2001
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i like DMZ more right now but that will all change on next ESF release
New Member
Nov 24, 2001
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DMZ Rocks The Only Reason Ive Been here For The Last Week Is Cus The DMZ Site Is Down I Love The Combo's And For All You That SAy Combo's R Crap Then U Obviousley Blow Ass For A Living.
i Think ESF is 2 Easy its Just Point And Hold Button Thats It.But DMZ Takes Skill eg Reaction & All That.But Even N00b's Can Rule IN ESF

I Dont Like The Fingers On ESF Models.

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