A small bug preventing from HL to work smoothly!

Lost in space
May 8, 2003
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Im not sure to where to post this
but in DEV SEC this is the only right place(maybe help sec'?)

anyway I have this very idiotic bug in WINOS that
once in a few minutes(maybe 1 maybe 2) it checks if Im still connected
and it tries to connect itself to the internet even though Im100% Im connected! o_O

while Im playing HL my HL keeps minimizing and its making me nuts! O_O

the sound is keep going mute
the only way to fix the sound is with the task manager and then switch to
but then I keep seeing the task manager in HL... and well... it isnt very much comft....

so 1 - fix help question is how to get rid of this idiotic win thingy that
checks if im still connected so HL wont minimize on me while Im playing it
2nd FIX is that if it actually minimizes
then when I "RESTORE" the HL win that the ESF sounds wont be muted
(or if it isnt muted then I hear one sound in the left side and
with a delay hear it again in the right side...)

I think I was very clear with my bug
and I am sure its simply fixed... :(

assistence would be appritiated! ;) :yes:
Lost in space
May 8, 2003
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lolof! I still need answer...
it seems that no1 enters bug report as much as it used to be...
Retired Forum Staff
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 21, 2002
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Miki800 said:
lolof! I still need answer...
it seems that no1 enters bug report as much as it used to be...
Please refrain from double posting to bump up a thread - especially if the period between the posts is so small :eek: (not that double posting is allowed for longer intervals).

Miki800 said:
anyway I have this very idiotic bug in WINOS that
once in a few minutes(maybe 1 maybe 2) it checks if Im still connected
and it tries to connect itself to the internet even though Im100% Im connected! o_O

while Im playing HL my HL keeps minimizing and its making me nuts! O_O
"Checks if you're still connected"? o_O 'What' checks? ESF or Half-Life doesn't check your connection in the way you have specified . . .

Miki800 said:
the sound is keep going mute
the only way to fix the sound is with the task manager and then switch to
but then I keep seeing the task manager in HL... and well... it isnt very much comft....

so 1 - fix help question is how to get rid of this idiotic win thingy that
checks if im still connected so HL wont minimize on me while Im playing it
2nd FIX is that if it actually minimizes
then when I "RESTORE" the HL win that the ESF sounds wont be muted
(or if it isnt muted then I hear one sound in the left side and
with a delay hear it again in the right side...)
This is a problem with basic Half-Life (on the WON engine). HL.exe isn't designed for windows alt+tabbing, and hence you lose sound when you switch back and forth normally with windows. The fix is simple, as you have already stated.

P.S. - That's why Steam > WON :p
Lost in space
May 8, 2003
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(Steam won over WON * :p )
YEAH but heard lots of bad things about steam...
and Im afraid to use new things as our teacher in PCs stuffs and coding say:
"If it works, dont touch it!" lol
anyway this thing:

annoys me like hell!!!
it bugs me while playing HL like a POPUP!
and do same damage... so its just a small conf thingy in WINDOWS
it is very simple but I dont know how and calling a tech guy to visit is expencive and stupid...

its something with the configuration of the ADSL thingy and I dont know where thats all, thats y I posted for help
Active Member
💻 Oldtimer
Aug 21, 2002
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simply ... that's a HL bug and we can't fix it ... you also see your Windows cursor ingame ...

just don't try to go back to windows ...
New Member
Jan 25, 2003
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Do you need 3rd party software to log onto your DSL connection?

If you go to Start->Control Panel->Network Connections, is ADSL listed as an internet connection? If so, try disabling it, then try to connect to the internet. If it works you probably just solved your problem. If not, enable it, then the next time it happens, take a screen shot of your task manager on the Processes tab and post it.

and Im afraid to use new things as our teacher in PCs stuffs and coding say:
"If it works, dont touch it!" lol
Well, obviously it's NOT working for you. Get it out of the way, install steam.

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