
  1. M

    DBZ for ps2 gamecube xbox

    PS2 owners (me) are the luckiest GameCube is also lucky Sorry for Xbox Here are some pics
  2. V

    Go, what? GOKU!!!

    Well guys, this will be my last post for about the next two weeks or so. I'll be moving to reno tomorrow for a new job I got with a game studio called 5000ft. I'll be working on player models for a ghame called Daredevil for PS2 and Xbox. Just go ahead and leave your comments and critique, and...
  3. Ecchi Pr0n

    I'opening up my Xbox controller and PS2 come help

    well ok here it goes i cut through the ruber and theres psX controller clear black purple grey red brown yellow green orange nine in all plus 6-8 pieces of string in an Xbox controller black red green yellow white 5 in all now the fun part begins HOW TO MAKE THEM...
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