
  1. LionHeart

    looking for a script writer

    so is anyone good at making comedy scripts? I'll have a semestrial 1 week vacation starting tommarow so I was thinking of starting some kind of seeries, anyone available?
  2. Spunky

    Writer's Strike...

    Is annoying me. I support what they're doing and whatnot, but give me my ****ing shows. Heroes, 24, The Unit, and more are delayed. :cry: But what confuses me is: don't they write the story before filming? I'm confused because 24 Day 7 already has a trailer out (well, it was out in the UK...
  3. 009

    Movie Team need story writer...

    Hello.. Im leader of a movie team... we produce movies for a game called Half-Life.... Since so many mods have been made for Half-Life we are nearly able to do everything.... but we are out of idears to produce... Req for join as story maker 1) Must know Half-Life 2) Must have...
  4. Wangster

    just 2 show you how easy it is.

    3Dabstract tutorial. well, alot of people make 3D abstract bg's these days, and they looks verry cool, well, if you have bryce, you can do it 2! just follow my steps and you wil have a verry cool BG urself! step 1: select the ground object and delete it step 2: press the tab sky and fog...
  5. Fixxxer

    My Dragonball Z: Budokai Review(warning: I am not a writer)

    I buy Dragonball Z: Budokai and get it home after a 4 mile walk to get it. I get it the hell out of the box and put it in the damned PS2. I go to options and put it on very easy and very weak enemies and start story mode. I see the graphics and the way the story unfolds and it all looks...
  6. SeijiTataki

    Some Suggestions from your friendly neighborhood writer

    Well, lately, I've been watching through the DBZ series, and I've been considering some things that should be added to ESF which would make it more akin to the actual series. For the ease of reading, and possible implementation, each suggestion is broken down into how it might fit well into the...
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