
  1. PiXel

    Cloud The Uncredible Violator!

    Well....when Sicron putted his art thingy there.... I toked something of there..... The pixel size and the brush sites ^^ nvm more....(strokes i allready knowed...but again because Sicron telled me!) Now i made ...hmm how to say...Just vote urself with x/10 and comment...
  2. G

    Buu Saga Vegeta Pack!!! SAAAN!!!

    Ladies and Gentlement I present to you !! BUU SAGA VEGETA PACK!! *Happiness Song PLays* The moment you been waiting for here it is!!! THE CREDITS! : -Vegeta- Model: Turk Skin: Mastasurf -SSJ Vegeta- Model: Turk Azn Vegeta Head Skin and Raven for Body Skin Credits to : Th3...
  3. Ultra33Gokussj3

    Tournament Vegeta Pack

    Here my new edit , tournament Vegeta Pack , Credit : To real modeler of vegeta : Azn - for head skin
  4. M

    i have a new trunks. bojak trunks

    you can download it at that model is verry good :yes: O_O :devil: :D :p :devgrin:
  5. V

    Take a look at Bojack Trunks

    Credits: Legs/Chest : The ESF-TEAM Head: The ESF-TEAM Hair: Violator Texture chest : Violator / ESF-Team
  6. V

    ? ImPoRt ?

    Is there a way so i can import Quake3 models into ESF ?
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