
  1. F

    I read the stickies. Then , did a search. But..

    All i have got is you get a background image and put vertexs around it and then face it. The stickys dont tell me another thing else. i wanna get a background image and make a model out of it. Can anyone help me out or point me to a sticky.
  2. B

    from where i can download models?

    plz help me is down and i want to download gotenks pack and brolly model and adult gohan plz help me :\
  3. G

    model request

    im a little curious and sorta bored, so i was wondering what youd think some of these models would look like, feel free to be inspired to make a model because of this thred, i dont have any soft ware or modeling knowledge to make these myself Brolly- SSJ 2,3, and 4 Gohan if he ever found a...
  4. Gogeta91

    edit esf model pblem

    milk shape wont let me edit esf models hellp!!!!
  5. Yazuken

    How do you Install Skyboxes

    Hey, i downloaded a half-life sky box. but i dont know how to install it. can someone help me out
  6. L

    vagetas plz!

    can some one give me ssj4vegeta bebivegeta and ssj4 bebi vegeta plz all sites that got are offline but all the stickies dont either so can u plz send em in e-mail ive tried the request but no has sent sumpin back plz send t [email protected] thax agin ps also brolly if...
  7. K

    Vegita ssj4

    um does anyone know were i can find a vegeta pack that includes dragonballgt vegeta with jacket and ssj4 vegeta
  8. T

    i need kid gtgoku skin

    Any one no were i can get a kid gt goku skin i need it for the ssj4 goku skin that came out goku wuss a kid when he went ssj4.
  9. L

    can i have baby vegita

    can i have baby vegeta and ssj baby vegeta if checked everywere stickies and search i alrady did a post but no one ansewerd humpzor did but they didnt work plz thanks can i have vegeta ssj4 also i found it but no files i it send to this e-mail and tell me if u do send them so i...
  10. L

    sry to bother but need sumpin

    sry everyone but i need a model baby i have checked stickies and everywere else but still cant find it sry but if u could send it to me wit email or sumpin it would be greatly appreciated and sry about earlir and know
  11. L

    how to model

    i dont know how to make model/skin plz help
  12. Gogeta91

    new modeler,lookin for ussj trunks

    Hi im a new modeler and i love playin ESF. I want to know if nyone has a Ussj trunks model and/or tell me a great program to make them. :talk:
  13. B

    who that know build models come in plz...

    if you know to build good models and they Pretty then talk with me in the icq . ICQ-146481745 Thank you BRNet.
  14. G

    I would like 2 try and make a new model... plz help coz i know nothing about it...

    give me instructions on which programms, a few details about them... generally whatever u do to make a new model. thanx...
  15. S

    edit model

    can someone give me a tutorial or whateva that lets me know how to edit everything over a model and how to make it work and everything
  16. D


    I START TO MAKE A CAPSULA CORP AND WHEN ME DO A DOOR U COULDNT GO OUT! SEE THE TROUBLE. give me solutions, plz!here the zip if anyone could give me what u like in the map and some ideas to do better like types of textures or shape for the capsule.
  17. The_Prophet

    SSJ Gohan model

    Does anyone know where I can get a SSJ Gohan model reskin? I would like to see the hair change to what it is in the Cell games. I've been looking everywhere o_o
  18. C


    how do i use models in the game?
  19. F


    well im super noob at modelling but i wonder is the best way to start by editing other models first cuz its hard to make ur own model cuz u gotta make the outline and then u gotta make it more detailed correcT?
  20. C


    can somebody help me i downloaded milkshape 3d and i dont get how to make a model can somebody plz help me?
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