
  1. G

    wut is a spammer?

    id like to know wut a spammer is?
  2. G


    can some one give me times in art making?
  3. G


    why cant we double post and can someone give me some rules in esforces.com wut to do and not to do?
  4. G

    once again

    posting for hell of it
  5. S

    man i love drawing a goku!! (2nd thread...this isnt the first 1)

    yes....its me again... i have decided to show u that im not a 3 years old child that cant draw so.........i did this!!! (btw...i dont have a scanner so i took pics of them...hehe) another pic... and another 1... now tell me that i need more detail... :p
  6. S

    PERFECT Ussj Trunks

    Hi everyone , i've made this really perfect ussj trunks model when i got stoned: Or: copy and paste : http://www.geocities.com/slinger_3213/trunks.jpg P.s remember i was stoned and it took me only 5 minutes :D great isn't it??
  7. B


    this is only a skin of vegeta http://www.angelfire.com/blues2/ss/Vegetrunks.zip Model by can some one tell me who is he again Skin by can some one tell me who is he again Skin Edits By Ba the Skinner
  8. S

    How do i...

    get my own avatar? i cant figure out how to get my own avatar. *edit* nevermind... i figured it out. gotta have over 50 posts can you delete this now?? please!!?? thanx..
  9. rabid ostrage


    Is anyone at the moment working on a Gojeta model and sound pack. Because i downloaded vegetto and he is awsome. makes me feel like i can do anything. I was wondering if there wa going to be the same thing with gojeta cause hes cool 2 I WANT GOJETA SO BAD!!!!!! but im so retarted and...
  10. Twysta

    Model Request

    Yesterday i downloaded adult gohan model to replace gohan (it is AWESOME :shocked:) but then I relized that I have adult gohan and future trunks which doesnt make sense and i'm all about having things as much like the show as possible so my model request is for someone to make a chibi trunks...
  11. Skyrider

    only a complain about models.......

    i know that models looking cool and all, but why should they added here if they arent for this mod?!
  12. RuFuS

    what do you think of my sig

    ya mewtoo made this sig and avitar wich im tryin to get to 50 posts for but what do you think of it i think it looks pretty dang nice so tell me what you think;/
  13. F

    will anyone.......

    will someone start making model/skins of ssj3 or ssj4 of goku and vegeta? don`t ask me i don`t know how? i do wanna play with a ssj3 goku!! or the same with vegeta
  14. F

    VGUI Manga Character Pack

    I have decided to have my own VGUI pictures and have released them for YOU!!!. for anyone who does not know what the VGUI pictures are. They are the pictures you see when choosing a character. i decided to do this because i disliked the 3d models used (no offense to ESF Team) but i...
  15. freeportpretz22

    A Veggetto?

    OK, I went to get the Red Sayian, and the file of Veggetto was corrupt :S So does anyone know who has a Veggetto or where I can get one? Thanks, peace out. War Hamster
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