
  1. E

    ment to be in game or exploit?

    Mm the thing im wondering on about is hitting a player to the ground, or throwing, so that they begin to roll. Once this is done a player can hit the person 5 times in a row, this is the maxium ive seen it anyways. It has to be done at a certain angle or you cant keep the player rolling, thus...
  2. Deverz

    That's what I ment to do...

    Challenge Cuc :P I was hoping you would beat Kelesk too me, I know you've been itching to fight me again for a while. Trying to poke me into an angry frenzy of getting bashed by large green vegetables So do you accept, Or do you have too many fights going on? Oh yeh, I WANT MY BELT...
  3. Froggo

    Shino! :D (from Naruto?)

    Heres some kind of odd Tribute to my favourite Naruto character Shino :D, If you have seen hime in the preliminary matches you know the idea about this thing
  4. S

    finally bojack gohan done

    heres my final bojack gohan. i need a host for the models. credits to smo, sbolt,-SSJ Gohan Model: SS Vegeta Skin: Mastasurf and me fro edit. i need to get permission before its released
  5. AscensionX

    Hi Magus

    WHERE THE HELL IS THE 'requests' forum? lol i have nfi where it is. And i was Merely asking for help with a sound pack. I've already started the model, the plan was to start the thread first and post pics according to the peoples responses. Delete this if you want, i dont see how closing it...
  6. Rebirah


    I dont know if im suppost to post here.. but here goes Ok well I have a scanner and It pre scans, but when I slick scan it says like scan failed right when I click it Scanner: Plustek optic pro 600p OS: XP Home I have a really good drawing I wanna show yall but it wont scan :( Thank...
  7. Stanz

    EPT Logo, Help?

    Is there anyone out there that can help me design a new logo for EPT like maybe something that brings out the DBZ look? I was thinking of having some text that had the like super saiyan aura around it and maybe some electricity going accross it that would look cool, I did some simple text in...
  8. B

    Help for my MOD needed

    Ok im Working with my friend on a Evolution MOD and it works fine but i need to Create Evolution Model Packs non saiyan,ssjssj2ssj3ssj4..... and many more for all esf standard models. I need a very good skinner and a second good Modler !!!! If any want show me his work and he can see a...
  9. V

    Milkshape model problem PLZ HELP ME !

    Hey i hope you all can help me. Its about milkshape. When i edit a model for ESF and make some new stuff on it like a cap or something else and then save the model his neck and all stuff a F*CKED up :laff: his arms are so strange like he has broken them and his legs too ! I hope you guys can...
  10. S

    [ALPHA MREL] No-vest-GSM

    PIC UPDATED Credits to AZN Dragon I made this a while ago and asked to skin it, but nothing happened, so I release it to the public to play it bit with the skin. I rebuild the upper torso and attached just a temporary skin. IT'S ONLINE CLICK MY SIG
  11. T

    First Wallpaper

    Ok, Ive started working on a wallpaper. Bare in mind I dont make wallpapers so this is my first attempt. You can comment on it as much as you like, Its not finished. You can see my first wallpaper here.
  12. S

    Pro's great edits plz reconsider

    Pro youre models youre edits are great i don't understand why you get pissed off for nothing if you hate credits than let someone else release the model Or give them to the loyal esf playes if you reconsider send them to me and i will release it on snake-d site (and if you hate credit so...
  13. HitmanXtreme

    My first map esf_rocky(link should work now^^")

    This is my first map and i hope it's not too bad. I've made it at just one day, so don't be too expectantly. I release it today so you can download it. Here are some Screenshots: If this link also doesn't works, I can send it per ICQ or MSN
  14. L

    Im Done!!

    i just finished the head i wash modeling... can i email it to someone so they can post it for me plz? i wanna get feed back on it cause its my first model
  15. Z

    need for modlers and mappers ($)

    hy i need some good modlers im making a rpg kind of game with all the dbz poeple in it i need good modlers animators and mappers for q3 ( its on the same engine) (if your models are realy good and so on you wil ofcourse get $ ) anny one up fore the chalenge :rolleyes: p.s you may not...
  16. S

    if only i had a scanner....

    then u could really c this drawing at its best.... ill try to scan it with the help of a friend with a scanner....but for now... btw, im not posting the real pic cause i want ur comments first. then ill post it. promise, just be honest
  17. ]\/[ITCHELL

    Vegeta With Tail

    I've downloaded a model (i cant remember where:rolleyes: ) but it's a vegeta with a tail.Thats nice but the tail doesn't move, thats not nice:\ ;( so my question is :can some one animate the tail if Isend it to a email adress thank you for your attention
  18. |Da|K|

    NewSig's (Rate)

    Hey evey one was wondering if u could rate my new sig fomr 1 to 10 and witch one is the best THx alot guyz and critz and comments are welcome :D 1: 2: 3: ^----- i made for a friend 4: ^-- just added... and the one i'm useing now could use some rating :D thx
  19. -Dark Shadow-

    My failed ssj2 goku :(

    look at it anyone know why it happened?? please tell me :cry:
  20. U

    Somebody knows when....

    Somebody knows when the new beta is going to be released? this is probably not a good place to ask but i only go to Models/Skins forum so Sorry if this bothers you guys just want to know if somebody knows:p
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