
  1. D

    New Splash Screen

    Splash Screen SSJ Shadow made the BG, and I made the text....and cut out the Vegeta......wut do u guys think?
  2. VivaLaPineapple

    rei wp madness!!

    sinc people r making these whap what u think
  3. fatmanterror

    My Second model Vegetto

    this is my second model and skin, the head i just modified my ssj goku head because it was about perfect already, well tell me what u think, am i gettin better or worse?SSJ Vegetto
  4. J

    Tribes 2 clan {n2o} Wallpaper, plz check

    yo here is the wallpaper i made for my clan, can I have some oppinions plz?
  5. Big Bang Attack

    That Time Camber Map

    THAT TIME CAMBER MAP it ROCKS like hell and i want to play it so bad but SHOULDNT the sky just be white like in the show... ALthough i love it like that and i guess the white makes it hard to see
  6. I

    the bald one:P......Krillin

    krillin model finished it like 4-5 weeks ago posting it now:P
  7. S

    how to skin lol

    hi guys thnx for learning me modelling but now i wanna learn how to Skin !0!:] and how i can import a esf model cuz hl = .mdl 3ds max = .max so plz help me with that to thnx anway :p
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