
  1. Hellion_Blade

    Call me a jerk but...

    I just came up on a free xbox 360! dropped the wife off at work and was getting the kids out of the car to head upstairs and a neighbor and i started talking. his brother moved out and left his old 360 there cuz the disk drive wouldn't read anything. the guy offered it to me for free. I accepted...
  2. N

    everyone who plays this game is a jerk

    well, not everyone, but most people. I don't want to sound like I'm crying, but it's true. I'm sure a lot of people could back me up with this too. There is just something about this game that just brings out the worst in people. For instance, I was just recently in a game where I was at the...
  3. SaiyanPrideXIX Jerk -- "56k is fine for hosting"

    I call bnet kids "Battle.vets." You know the ones. Blizzard fans of Starcraft and Warcraft know the types. They play a single strategy that involves overwhelming your force in the first ten minutes of the game. They act like jerks and sputter off leetspeak at the mouth for the whole game, and...
  4. G

    My First Model Edit Ever.

    Guys today I was bored I decided to practice milkshape when I try to put another models head on a body model from another Trunks it was hard but thanks to LOGAN this what I come up with.Please dont be hard on me is my very first model edit ever. COPY&PASTE LINK TO GO TO MY WEBSITE AND CHECK THE...
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