
  1. SSj_Gotenks95

    Loading files into MS3d

    I still dont get how to load my models into MilkShape 3D I really need your guys help but hardly anybody reads my post
  2. H

    Good Goku Models?

    Can anyone show me some good Goku models? I need a normal and SSJ, or SSJ2 and SSJ3, something like that, the ones I have now suck, and actually, any good models that replace Goku would be nice too. (and yes, I know there is a request thread, I don't want to post there and wait ages for...
  3. SSj_Gotenks95

    Sprite editors help

    Umm I need some help with the sprite editing on a model I am makeing I dont know if this is possible but I wanted to replace Piccolos Masenko with chains that shoot out of the characters armor. here are some pictures of what it should look like...
  4. K

    Editing Model Animations

    I'm just fooling around with ESF. Making new sprites for goku's attacks, and giving goku a beard and cuts on his face and such. However, I don't know how to edit the animations like I've seen some people do. Can someone help me with this?
  5. MSF

    Brollmans Models Released

    Hi@all. Ok i write no long text i only say i hosted Brollmans model on and he Brollmans site hav fun with that
  6. Warbandit

    Copyin Animations

    Well how do i copy animations and put them into a model WITHOUT milkshape? I need to copy the cell anim. and put it into another cell model. Please HELP!!!!!! ppppllllllllllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeeeee!!!!!!! :cry: :cry:
  7. T

    a moving aura?

    is there a way that they could make a moving aura...or will that create to many lag problems. but they could make it user only or somethin plz respond to this i wanna hear all sides :laff:
  8. Logan4434

    my new site

    well for all those people complaining about me having no more working links to my models,i got a new site and uploaded them(theres even some new ones)so have fun.DONT BLOW MY BANDWIDTH FOOLS!!!!;( edit*my god am i stupidO_o heres the link
  9. K

    raditz model

    theres a raditz model at red saiyan .net,and im the ultimate raditz fan !well i installed it to models/player/vegeta (like it says in the readme text)but the model pack doesnt work !help plz!!!does this happen to you?
  10. D

    Any Cool Vegetas??

    Does anyone know any really cool vegeta models that has its own tactics?? For example-- like does he punch differently or jumps differently. I really want one. Thanx!
  11. Y

    Dragonballuniverse SSJ3 Goku model and skin

    Heres the first model ive posted on this forum, hope u like it o_o
  12. MaX

    my 1st model edit. and i need a animator for it. look there for the pics but. i need some to animate him. please.. im learning animating so i would make that edit i did horrble. Credits: S-Bolt for the ss2gohan head. Azn Dragon:for everything but the head. :) pm me if u can animate...
  13. B0Bmaster40000

    Import Problems

    I can't import any ESF models for some reason. I decompile the .mdl file through MilkShape, and then when i try to import the .smd's they wont load. i get a message about appending keyframes or something, but there is no model or bones. What am i doing wrong?
  14. VivaLaPineapple

    my animation

    well i havent worked on this in a long time but im slowly developing the fight scene
  15. MaX

    1st animations on my 1st model :) those are my 1st animations on my 1st model. critz and stuff. :)
  16. M

    Chibi Goku

    I just started a new model of chibi goku not from gt but dragonball i don't know if i'm going take the time to animate it well here it is so far:
  17. VivaLaPineapple

    newest wallpaper

    went for somethin a little different. crits/comments r welcome
  18. MSF

    Battle Damaged Goku

    Hi@all, i have worked the last 2 days on a battle damaged Goku and ssj Goku here the Link for the model. please write what you thing about this. ps. thanks to AZN for the battle damage Gohan and the ESF team for this Goku model
  19. Pommy

    My new button LOOK :)

    My new button for my website <img src=> feedback please :D also the site is
  20. M

    models and patches

    with these new models, what would happen when a charecter gets a new attack? Like the longhaired trunks model I have, it has no sword. So in this next patch we might have a sword and it wont work. So everytime a charecter gets a new attack, will the models people make have to be updated?
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