
  1. Gangster464

    Goku, Gohan, Vegeta

    When is the new esf version coming out ?
  2. S

    what did he do now

    what did tridan do nowwhy cant he do a thread. and why did it have to happened when his was going to show his first model pic of ssj4gohan.by me tridan what did i do rong now. O_o
  3. shadow_wolf

    Adult gohan soundpack

    i know that there is a adult gohan sound pack out but it doesnt have all the sounds it only has Masenko, and masenko HA, and same for kamehameha.........there are alot of things missing i was wondering if any of u guys could make me one or send 1 to me.......
  4. S

    Iron Man model

    I think it would be cool if someone would make an iron man model to replace gohan, but that's just me.
  5. N

    heres a good model site

    http://members.lycos.nl/sniperkid/newpage10.html That site got some good downloads if they work... Ive gotten ssj3 goku and buu saga vegeta there and a ssj mystic gohan (dont know how gohan goes ssj mystic but w/e) :smile: :laff:
  6. T

    Ssj4 Gohan 1.1

    my new and first model ever.
  7. T

    A ssj4 gohan

    well i was tired of waiting so im doing a ssj4 gohan heres pic. just need to put the ssj4 hear and fix a flew things.
  8. W

    Gohan orange high school

    i wonder if there is an model of gohan when he was on this orange high school...?
  9. I

    My First Model Ever :)

    Ive seen a whole bunch of models out there and i wanted to try doing it.. i wanted to do gohan from the early start of the android saga where they fought android 19 and 20.. he didnt do much fighting but i wanted to do him anyways.. well here it is Try not to be too hard on the crits... after...
  10. C

    Cooler Masenko for Gohan

    Now if you guys ever get around to this thread hear me out. If youve been watching cartoon network its in the freiza saga. I saw somthing very cool. Gohan did a masenko but instead the the two hands over his head he held one arm at the wrist and he charged it with one hand.... i think...
  11. T

    Goku Frieza Saga BD

    Hey guys, i had this made for my own personal use ill ask the maker if ican release it, i got permission from smo to get it edited, also azn gave the model to cheeseman and said he could do with it what he pleased so i have permisson there too, also credits to Hawki Ice for editing it :)...
  12. I

    Gohan From Namek Saga

    I did an EDIT! on gohan from the namek saga... i did a MODEL EDIT not an complete model... well check it out and enjoy... credits is on the image:cool: well whatchya think? :D
  13. S


    WHO HAVE LINKS GOOD MODELS EX:commando gyniu,mr satan,super piccolo,kaio,chibi gohan.....
  14. W

    gohan armor like in cell sega! realese!

    ok now look at my new model edit! there is not another model like this teen gohan with an armor and shot hair! credits: Brollman thet make this body and all and gohan with long hair and i edit him very much...... pic: link to download and to edit it. or to play with it...
  15. W

    my first model edit and reskin! comin!!

    Adult Gohan model edit and reskin !+credits! realase! hey! look at thet my first model edit of adult gohan! credits: body: AZN Dragon first skin: Moshe Kipod Hamavet pic LOL i create the kamehameha :) and here is the download link :)...
  16. A

    Kai Suit Gohan (pr0's) release..

    Ok, pr0 said I could release these... He doesnt really care anymore.. And I see a lot of people who want it.. So, I decided to release ONE of his edits.. Kai Suit Gohan. Credits: 1. AzN 2. DC Darkling 3. The Pr0, the edit.. 4. Xstortionist 5. Mastasurf *Edit* Host found...
  17. S


    credits azn for the great saiyaman model -Frieza- Model: Vassago brollman for the old vegeta edit/skin (if any one can plzz tell me the maker of the dmz brolly model i will be very greatfull becaus ei cant find the site or any thing, i have used the red part of the model cloth...
  18. T

    Kai Suit Gohan

    Wasn't there a Gohan Kai suit model released at one time? anyone have the link for it? i think sxyasian86 did it...thanks.
  19. Nano

    Gohan reskin

    I have found a good model but i dont know who's model it is. Anyway i reskinned it and now its looks like this Plz tell me want you think of it! :yes: :no:
  20. W

    real adult gohan suit.....

    look at this gohan model: http://www.gsf-united.de/dl/Pics/Gohan/adaultgohan.JPG u can download it from here: http://www.gsf-united.de/dl/Files/Gohan/Adaultgohan.zip now look at this gohan: http://www.jpopnation.com/rage/Gohan/gohan04.jpg look at the suit of those 2 models...
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