
  1. DaKD

    BDmg ssj2 majin vegeta

    Hey all i edited azn's awesome bdmged mystic gohan and made Vegeta bdmg ssj2 (cuz i saw how many people were disappointed) but my damn milkshape is expired and i cant save. i skinned it ok but the edits cant be saved so i wanna know if anyone wants this thing so i can go to the trouble of gettin...

    Adault gohan sounds

    I know this may sound a bit repeditive, but does any one know where i can get adault gohan sounds from, i got sayaman skin and it sounds wierd him having kiddy voice so could somone please help me:D
  3. SSJ_Strange

    Gohan wiping out the whole map??

    I heard about Gohan wiping out the whole map with Energy Shield? How is this possible?
  4. God Gundam

    God's Piccolo Wip

    with some help from myster x, gg has gotten better, and he has produced a kick ass model. now enjoy your friend and mine. for GHP i present to you........ PICCCOLO!!! heres the link if you cant see it http://www.geocities.com/supersayain2goku/piccolo.jpg...
  5. Q

    where's gohan his masenko?

    maybe it will be implended with the next patch where u have adult gohan and young gohan but in the series he killed the spice boys in the garlic jr. saga all with masenko. but here in esf he doesnt have it and i miss it :cry: ;)
  6. Bryggz

    MY version of gotenks/ssj/ssj3

    hey guys i guess this is my final build for gotenks model/ssj/ssj3, all i need is to have it skinned, but before i hark for metro-tek (he said he'd do it before, cool eh?) ill take any last remarks/crude comments/constructive criticism to make it better, thx click here for updated pic...
  7. G

    Gohan sound pack

    I downloaded, before a adult gohan sound pack, and then i deleted esf and re-insatalled it. just now i downloaded a saiya man mdl, but he still has the kid voice. ive been looking for the sound pack but i cant find it! plez post it here
  8. Darkshadow

    To AZN plz read

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