
  1. J

    Kudos to the ESF team

    Wow I haven't viewed this site in forever but then I look at the front page. It looks like almost a totally different game. And you guys are still using Half Life and it looks like you guys updated to the Half Life 2 engine and the new melee looking GODLIKE. Wow dude theres so much I want...
  2. majin uub

    vegeta on the front page

    in the screenshots of zeros map...there is a vegeta in armor but he has kreshies vegetas hair..where can i download this??? and does it include the ssj,ussj,ssj2, majin forms as well???
  3. Tweek

    Battle Damage Vegeta -WIP-

    ..Keh im takin a break from evm at the mo cus im nakerd ;) but last night i was watchin Meta Cooler (film) and i wondered y no 1 had done a kool BD vegeta ???? so i made 1 ^_^. credits 2 ESF team 4 Origional Vegeta BUT it still needs a skin :S so if n e 1 would like 2 skin it 4 me i would b V...
  4. Seph`

    SSjTrunks Skin Edit

    Original Skin: Mastasurf Edit: Kame-Haka Changes: Gold Sword (Metallic), Blue Sheath and Red Jacket Image: Crits? What can I make better (Shoes will be blue next time I edit) Kame-Haka Edit - Front view added. Sorry for bad quality of 2nd pic I put it in paint for ease...
  5. N


    Hey does anyone know of a good front veiw pic of vegeta and a nice side view one? I looked and i have Crappy ones thx in advanced.
  6. U

    whats the problem now

    ;( why is down again i hate when that happeneds
  7. Kreshi

    SSJ2 Gohan

    Hi! Look: What do you think about the model? The head and head skins are by me, the body and body skins are by SS Vegeta and Mastasurf, the Animations are by Darktooth. I am now making a model made complete by me, but i don´t know whether i make new animations, because that...
  8. HellBringer.


    don't no if this the right section but does any one have pictures of sephiroth front back side etc from game or just picture is fine thanks
  9. S


    OK, i am really getting anoyyed at mapping for esf. Never before have i gotton so many god damn errors! Up untill now, Firearms mod has had my title of "Most pain in the ass mod to map for", but now, its ESF. Problem number one, I cant get my hlbsp and hlvis tools to create the .bsp and...

    MSJ gohan

    Can someone make a Megasaiyan Gohan. Here is what it look like. :notice: Normal Gohan body. :notice: Hair that are like ssj2, but green and much more. If you whant pics, I need a good host. Sorry for don't post in the request thread, but in this way I have a better overview. I...
  11. SSj Goten

    Custom Model

    I give Credit to LiL GoHaN,Original Trunks Modeler and Mr.Smo for parts of the model..... this is my own custom model.... i drew it and lil gohan edited the trunks and smo's goku.... ***EDIT*** This is for my DBZ movie ^_^ P.S. ill give u the non ssj pic in a...
  12. S

    New 3-D Space Ship

    Just whipped this up while I was bored, nothing complex, really. I figure I'll throw it in a battle scene (blowing up, of course).
  13. God Gundam

    ESF Model from GG

    well heres one for you guys, i know its not done yet, but im close to having it there, there will be a normal version aswell of him, just have to finish this one, after that i will make an armor version and a bd armor version for esf as well for all tastes. btw, the gogeta i promissed to...
  14. sexyasian86

    last tribute: GUNDAM model }wip{

    GUNDAM model (WIP) well here is my WIP of a gundam. gonna get some help from ssj4gogetenks. but made that head last night and it's the first model i'm actually dong on my own. well making this for a new mod im in. hope you guys like it, havent really added in the detail parts of the head...
  15. Moshe Kipod Ham

    A new Gogeta From Ned's Vegetto

    All crits to Ned and his awsome Vegetto Gimme crits but don't ask me to release him (Because of the request in Red-Saiyan I'm afraid of squirls :p )
  16. Vengaurd

    problem with edge of level

    how do i make it so that when you fly to the edge of the level you do not fall into the skybox? in other words, how do i get that invisable wall around the level?
  17. Nuttzy

    crappiest model ever

    well, i got bored, and though the model is "decent" when standing still its crappily animated, and since you hafta copy and paste it anyways the file is on the front page EDIT***** I AM REMAKING THE MODEL, CHECK THE ABOVE LINK TO SEE...
  18. TimTheEnchantor

    Wish you were here at the Home Front!

    Hope you get what this means :P I'm practically finished with it...I like the lighting and placement of the brushes/pictures...if you look carefully, next to the silhouette of the man in the right, u can see nazi fighters.. The subject: The picture of the man in front of the nazi tank is a...
  19. Mistery X

    Saiyan Crusades, Goten, Trunks, Gotenks

    Right now I'm working on Goten... I'm gona post maybe 2 more renders of him.. wip of the legs.. then the finished edited goten model.. + SSJ Then move on to Chibi Trunks.. then do same thing like 3 renders for him.. Then gotenks all forms.. any way.. I've got this much on my goten so...
  20. Bryggz

    Gotenks ssj3 hair, which is better

    ok guys i made 2 versions of gotenks ssj3 hair, now i just need to know which has more potential, version one may look cool, but its rather dirty (not a closed mesh) and its not exactly true to the show. while version two has potential to be badass, but something doesnt seem right about it...
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