
  1. D.C. Darkling

    Frieza Saga Gohan WIP

    Ah, a new update. And the same a few questions. Ppl who know the previous topic will see I did nearly nothing, but hey. I am busy. :) My questions are for the dedicated gohan fans who might know this better then me. Qustions: Did Frieza saga gohan have arms and legs bout the same...
  2. Denz

    New frieza disc I will make!

    Just tell me how to look or post a pic of disc and I will do my thing! (can make it like star,cube,anything)
  3. L

    Goku Trunks and Frieza ;)

    Hey these are the models ;) Dont crit on the chibi trunks cas its ganna be scraped an im going to make a new one but crits as hell on the goku and the frieza ;)
  4. D.C. Darkling

    Frieza Saga Gohan WIP

    yesyes.. I commenced work on this model. Sure i know alot less bout gohan so i am doing some mayor research (help is always welcome) but i think I get along fine. yet I am in doubt about one thing.. See.. the ESF skeleton has legs aslong as his body.. I also made a version where he has half...
  5. Veger

    Frieza form 3 WIP!!!!

    Hey i'm making a frieza form 3 model could enyone help me with it.Becose im a noob for now :) . So give me your critz!!! [IMG]
  6. S

    improve frieza's finger laser

    i dont like how frieza's finger laser is at the moment in esf, my suggestion is simple, frieza's laser isnt instantaneous, its almost instantaneous, i think it should be like an ultra fast generic beam, thinner and it does explode when it hits another player, because thats how it is in the show
  7. darknavigator

    A New Frieza attack for 1.3?

    I was thinking, since Vegeta has a different version of the Ki blast, can Frieza have a different version of the generic beam? I dont know how, but in the anime, he did have an aura around him and then fired a large beam. Yes, no?
  8. SSJ Toast

    [WIP] Kreshi Frieza Reskin

    hey, well i decided to do a reskin of kreshi's frieza model, any critz will be nice, (this is my second skin ever!) sorry for crappy pic i dont know how to make the quality better (dont know much about pics) Credits- Model: Kreshi Reskin: SSJ Toast any crits will be nice
  9. Jimesu_Evil

    Frieza From 4 pbp wip

    The title says it all. Here it is: After the recent failure of my Piccolo model due to not being able to find a skinner, I decided to try something different. So far there are not many Frieza form 4 models available, so I decided to try this. Critz Please. *EDIT* Goddammit! After...
  10. CS-LAND

    Destructo Disc and Frieza Disc Bugs!

    Maybe you all noticed this. Many times after you throw the destructo disc/frieza disc the sprite will remain somewhere in the air (it will not make damage) and sometimes the sound is also there. I think this happens when you don't hit a player. Can you fix this?
  11. O

    frieza will have a new move in 1.2

    i heard that frieza will have a new move or two in 1.2 the move is like he lifts some stones off da ground coool huh? anyway wat du ya think about it or do u know some new moves that i dont know tell me
  12. Shuyin

    esf frieza potw Well to me that looks like telekinesis. Where he got that big rock from i dont know :P I guess i'll have to wait for a video to judge this move. Anyone else have any comments on it ?
  13. Wizard's Curse

    King Kold model (Frieza form 2 edit)

    Well I'm preety much a n00b modeler ... soo Im starting with edits and stuff :laff: Credits: Thx to the esf team for the awsome Frieza form 2 model + the armor from the first frieza :) Hes preety much done .. except in some anims the feet got tru the cape and stuff ... I might release...
  14. Shuyin

    Frieza Finger Laser

    Ok, theres single fire, and multifire on the fingerlaser right. Well the singlelaser seems a bit pointless. So i suggest that the primary finger laser does more than a secondary finger laser.
  15. MickeyG

    Frieza form 4 (start) 2nd model ever

    i started today and this is what i have till now... TEMP SKIN NOT THE REAL ONE! Credits: Mr Smofo > inspired me.. :P well is it ok as a 2nd model?
  16. C

    Frieza only evil?

    I had this thought the other day... Is it just me or is Frieza the only dbz bad guy to be Truely "Evil"? I mean...think about it. The red ribbon army was just following orders, and the boss was insane. Raditz was trying to help his brother the only way he knew how. Nappa was just...
  17. S

    can someone tell me where i can get a good frieza form 4

    I Really want a frieza form 4 ( a good one ) if there is one.. oh.. and give me a link or a website because i already cheacked the stickies and i searched for one but didnt get one.. :cry: THANKS ...
  18. T

    Frieza's Horns

    An extension of moves for Frieza. What if his horns in his second stage operated like Trunks's sword (gibs at 20% HP or lower)? Just as he did to Krillin. It would require a new bit of code (just take it from Trunks), and a new animation. What do you think?
  19. CM

    {WIP} Frieza Form 4

    Credits: PCJoe for the alpha model, and thats it i believe
  20. Nuttzy

    EEA new frieza

    <object id="MS3DViewerCtl" width="400" height="400" classid="CLSID:59131903-4A33-40D5-80C2-5242DD365AB3" codebase=",0,0,6"> <PARAM NAME="_Version" VALUE="65536"> <PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="16007"> <PARAM...
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