
  1. DiebytheSword

    Some more pics!\Cucumba's_picture_show.html :D
  2. G

    Model of Piccolo

    Here is my new model of piccolo This is a pic of what he look liked befor Here are two new pic's I'm almost finished...
  3. xstortionist

    Finally!! Perfect Cell is Finished

  4. S

    Piccolo wip

    awesome model i hope a talented skinner will skin it.. and i want ti for mah site lol...
  5. Antoine3323

    Brolli Model

    I know someone had made a Brolli model a while back, and I remember seein pics and stuff of an almost finished skinned version!! So, did anyone actually finish it?!?!
  6. S

    Metro-Tek Bebi Vegeta

    Dude your post got deleted... Where is it,, did you finished the model?
  7. T

    iconz goku model head skin

    ok i did a quick skin on this head tell me what you guys think
  8. Akira714

    "Red sayjin"

    Well, this is a DMZ skin, BUT.... I was bored so I skined one of the "red sayjins" that Spin has all over his site. Anyways since SPIN moderates on this fourm, and that the DMZ and his fourms are down, this would be the place to post this, also becuase Pcjoe likes to critisise my skinning ;)...
  9. I

    Check This Out Its Sweet!!!

  10. DJ-Ready

    My 2nd map is finished...

    Hehe, today i´ve finished a new alpha version of my new"S2k_Skyfight" map.... it will be released tomorrow... *g* so check out my 2nd map but remember that there aren´t so much details...but they would be added in a few days and it will be have a new skymap.
  11. Antoine3323

    SSJ3 Goku??

    Anyone have an SSJ3 Goku finished yet?!?!? Everyone was really enthusiastic about this model, and a few people were supposed to make one!! But, no one ever posted a finished product!! Unfortunately, the modeller I was wanting to finish it most had compiling problems!! So, has anyone finished it?!?!?
  12. fatmanterror

    gene starwind model

    im makin a gene starwind model from scratch and its almost done ill have some pics soon, but does anybody know if there is an outlaw star mod already because my friend is about to start on one and thats what this model is for
  13. B

    I´ve finished buu (gotenks) model

    [o_O] Yo ensanchar cadera. Gracias :)
  14. B

    buu (gotenks) model

    it is my firs model using 3d studio max
  15. V

    Freiza > form 1 complete

    Hey guys, I finally finished the skin ;) Like with all my ESF work, I try to make the skin look a little more realistic, but retain the anime hand drawn look. I'm used to high poly character modeling, so doing low poly is a little odd for me. In any case, here is the image! Hope you all...
  16. Antoine3323

    Entity PROBS!!!!!

    Ok, well here is my prob!!! I was makin my map and decided that I was finished, so I added some entities for the spawn points. After that, I had a huge prob compiling!! Every entity that wasnt a func was said that it was creating a leak in Hull 3!!! And everything worked fine before I added...
  17. B

    Son Gohan And Son Gohan Great Sayaman Finished

    SON GOHAN AND SON GOHAN GREAT SAYAMAN FINISHED i modeled the head, the body, the helmet, the clock, and the rest i modificated of vegeta model i skined all [email protected]
  18. B

    sig j/k graphix I made

    ya its nothin special just I want feedback on it tell me what i could change for the better finished it in 5 min give it time to load O_O
  19. VivaLaPineapple

    Another CD cover for ya

    i made this one to actually fit inside a cd case i still havent done the tabs yet, oh and if u r thinking i ripped that ripple thing under her your wrong i made it buddy!! lol
  20. D

    Base Model Release

    ok, here ya go, xstortionist made the chest and i made the legs... have fun, and remember this is my first model ever... visit .... and i again want to point something out... Sharp has been working on a base model for about a month and still hasnt finished, this model was...
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