
  1. U

    Energy Attacks enhancements

    One thing is that you shouldn't get hurt by your own beam attacks. So you can even shooot people from near. Just like in the cell saga goku uses the kamehameha right in cell's face and he isn't damaged by it. Here you goku shootin people from near and kill him but killed yourself too. Please...
  2. A

    Forum text enhancements

    Can someone tell me how to put that foggy effect around ur signature below?
  3. mr. roshi

    game enhancements and issues!!!!!

    - I think ki trails would be a cool addition like in the actual show cause they are in the show: -perfect cell should have a cell junoin attack that spawns a cell junion that fights beside him for a while. probably would take about as long a spirit bomb to conjour. -Where are the...
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