
  1. Ness

    Wot Ultimate Saiyan said

    Ultimate Saiyan has a point Magus, u misunderstood; he didnt mean ESF shud add Goku 4 and Chibi Goku, he ment make it so wen u transform to ur downloaded model ie SSJ4 he can hav different sounds eg, Chibi Goku sounds ->SSJ4 sounds (10 fold Kamehame) eg2, Evil Boo->Kid Boo (Evil Buu spoke...
  2. Bryggz

    For those who were waiting for a certain gotenks pack....good news is on the way

    TOTAL CONVERSION IS IMMINENT!!! OKAY credits!!!! S-bolt- for ssj2 gohan hair and arms Xstortionist- chest/lower torso Ssj3 HAIR and JACKET and compilation of model pieces- me, Bryggz :-) Azn- Sash (made from his gohan's bandanna) Final edits/Cleaning up of model/compilation of the...
  3. S


    How do i make mountains and stuff with hammer. those mountains just like in esf maps. :confused:
  4. Suh Dude

    redsaiyan gohan

  5. |Da|K|

    z3r0 an DaK colab poster

    hey guy me an z3r0 did a colab for the fun of it i did all the 3d an airbrushing he did all the grunge look :-D watchu think? CRIZT AN COMMENTS PLZ
  6. sexyasian86

    Goku Exercise

    i'm starting to animate and i got bored so i felt like doing a new animation for smo's goku ^_^ his deep idle animation is him doing his arm stretches ^_^ don't want to make a avi so a picture will do fine ^_^ peace hehehe, ^_^ hope ya'll like it :P
  7. S


    ok some of u may remember i started a sephiroth edit a long time ago when beta 1.1 was first released well (i was tthe first to start a sephy model edit :p) but it suxed lol but with the help of alot of people it is now better then ever! but its still a WIP this pak is going yo...
  8. Mystacx

    In reply of: "Search for Adult-Gohan"

    Ok there was a thread by nivvi (or somethinglike that) that requested a Adult-gohan model without 1.1 modelbugs (like shield attack) ok well ive found a adult gohan in his blue/purple suit on GSF so i dont know what the credits are (werent in the filedescription) so the credits goto the...
  9. GhostfaceKillah

    A site...

    Just a site I made up for my mod, you may recognize some of the team members... Anyways, critz/comments, and suggestions for ways to make it better please. EDIT: lol, forgot to give you guys a link: EDIT2: Also, it's my 1st HTML based site, and I'm immune...
  10. sexyasian86

    New Frieza Model?

    wanted to know which one to make next. Gonna be in the frieza pack. Post a picture of what u want along with the request. That would be helpful to make it faster, heh. Well tell me which one, poll will be up for 1 day and i'll start. lates *edit well i finished 2 of the frieza...
  11. E

    Well My last photoshop drawing for a while...

    Well I am having some problems in My life and I will be leaving the forums but I figured I could show you guys my final photoshop drawing. I will be gone for at least a couple of months but my brother just registered for the forum today (go easy on him guys he dont draw as well as me). Well Here...
  12. GMan

    Knock it off you two

    I see absolutely no reason for that Gohan thread by sexy to be closed. Pro, maybe you could just not flame sexy in every thread he makes and post a picture of something 'better', because your ego is far too big. You both make good models, now stop arguing with each other and ruining it for the...
  13. E

    SSJ2 Gohan drawn in Photoshop..

    Well I just finished my second photoshop Drawing and I thought that I could let you guys tell me what I need to fix and what i dont need to...crits please. there it is SSJ2 Gohan It took me about 2 hours do draw it with my mouse and shade it. Hope you like
  14. E

    My first Photoshop drawing

    Hey everyone I just got photoshop and I just drew this. Its completely done in photoshop. Here it is if it doesnt work copy and paste As you can see I guess I messed up the Ear badly but how about the...
  15. W

    BIG PROB WITH MS3D!!!!!@!#! help me plz!!!!@#!#@

    i got prob with ms3d i wen i enter the code and the name he said thet i am register but then wen he restart the ms3d he write me thet i need to wait 2 min to be registerd wan i do thet i tryng to save my work but he is still said`s thet i am not register... and wen i relunche the ms3d he...
  16. G

    Can Someone...

    cab someone please give me a link for a tutorial to make midels or skins?...:confused:
  17. S

    Volcanic Goku

    I made a volcanic goku check this site for pics i made a ssj1 and ssj3 what do you think ? post some critz plz If you people like it then ill release :] !!!Credits!!! Mr.Smo : model , skin , animations I edited the skin
  18. C

    Kaioken Video

    Kaioken Video *update* Ok reupped the Kaioken and SSJ3 Video You will need WinRAR 3.2.0 and DivX 5.0.5 Thanks to ^ZacK^ for the acc. :yes: To the Teasers Videos These files are hosted on so the upstatus is not guranted.
  19. F

    My artwork.

    Gimme a pencil, paper, a scanner, and Adobe Photoshop, and you could get something like this and this. Enjoy.
  20. S

    Adult gotenks concept

    This just a quick concept that you might like to see i didnt spend much time on it, maybe 20 mins
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