
  1. Damaera

    [Old PotW] PoTW: Buu Renders

    Almost put 09.. damn, not used to it being the new year yet T_T
  2. Barney

    Bleach of the week[Spoilers allowed]

    Bleach of the Week [Spoilers allowed] I know there was a Bleach thread before, but I guess it got lost amongst the rubble. Anyways this weeks chapter was interesting. Ishida lost his arm and still thinks he can fight. It looks like Ulquiorra is way stronger than anyone thought. His release...
  3. L

    World of Warcraft: PvE to PvP Transfers = ALLOWED DISCUSS! P.S Anyone interested in all joining a singular server for "Special Forces United" or some other cliche guild?!
  4. Mr.Lukyas

    Prison Break Season 3 [SPOILERS ALLOWED IN WHITE!]

    So, today they were showing first ep. of 3rd season here. There was a li'le bit of action during Scofield's fight, but nothing special. It seems like repeating first season just in the other circumstances. So, opinions?
  5. M

    Should Tibet be Allowed Independence?

    Just recently, articles have been popping up of recent going-ons regarding the "free Tibet" movement. So, I was wondering if anyone feels that Tibet has a right to independence.
  6. SailorAlea

    Naruto of the Week[Spoilers Allowed]

    This thread is for the discussion of new episodes of Naruto that come out. Spoilers (obviously) are allowed. After this point, please don't create any "Episode 151 discussion," (etc) threads. Discussion of the series in general should be done here...
  7. DracoHeart

    Is paint allowed?

    As everyone know there is a program called ms.paint in everyone's computer. Are pictures drawn using ms.paint allowed to be posted here?
  8. B

    Modeler/ Skinner/ Animator

    Hi... listen i need 3 modelers and 2 skiners and some Animators if any1 intrasting talk to me in icq 146481745 and another thing.... i am always invisible on icq... so write to me even if i am offline you get informetion if you talk with me on the icq.... i can't talk on this here so...
  9. B

    need modlers and skiners.

    Hi... listen i am building a mod to esf i need 3 modelers and 2 skiners if any1 intrasting talk to me in icq 146481745 and another thing.... i am always invisible on icq... so write to me even if i am offline 10x brnet
  10. S

    Kid Goku problem!

    Well, i made a Kid Goku and i compiled it to MDL, but when i wanted to play esf, the kid goku's skin had all this weird colors!, does anyone know how to fix this, if i cant fix i wont release the model,if it's fixt...i will release it to day. thnx for helping me out! :) :yes:
  11. Nuttzy

    kid buu

    <object id="MS3DViewerCtl" width="400" height="400" classid="CLSID:59131903-4A33-40D5-80C2-5242DD365AB3" codebase=",0,0,6"> <PARAM NAME="_Version" VALUE="65536"> <PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="16007"> <PARAM...
  12. DragonDude

    Your Mapping... HL1 or HL2?

    I was just curious, how many mappers here are planning on switching and mapping only for HL2 when it comes out? Myself, I'm going to try it, because it adds tons of new and useful features with AI and scripts, but I don't know if I'm going to completely switch over. What are you guys planning?
  13. S

    goku i edited

    credits to ned for his vegetto. this is an edit i made "for myself" today cuz i was bored. heres a pic I WILL NOT RELEASE THIS BECAUSE I WILL GET IN BIG TROUBLE IM JUST SHOWING IT.
  14. Hawki_ice

    One Must Fall 2097 - Jaguar

    UPDATES BELOW Ok hands are comming and the body still needs work here and there! im gana skin it myself thats not 2 hard.... But this guys gana need his own animations cause im forced 2 make him a custom skeliton! I can TRY 2 make some my self but i could use some help if anyones...
  15. Viki@killer

    Conversion Gohan to Sonic

    I am making total conversion of Gohan to Sonic,with all animations,sounds and sprites...And with his speedy aura(blue orb).This is only for those who downloaded Sonic from RedSaiyan.Who wants it,GRAB IT!!!
  16. M

    Is there a Pan model?

    Is there a Pan model out there? i looked through this forum, i looked on red-saiyan, i looked on the net, i cant find it! i know this should be in the final request thread, but the chance i get a reply is rather low, because everyone is asking models and nobody is giving them. All i want to...
  17. Ultra33Gokussj3

    Download All My Models Here

    I have just seen that beta1.1 for windows will be released today and decided , to give the link to all my edits HAVE FUN!!!:D Here are all my edits that are in my siq The Best Mystic gohan Pack (normal and SS) Credit to AZN Dragon :D The best GT GOKU Pack (norm/ss/ss2/ss3)...
  18. Pommy


    I read the cs girl tutorial by dos for milkshape but it doesn't really go into detail on the modeling it just basically tells you what to do. Is there any tutorials for milkshape that tell you <i>how</i> to do things or techniques to use for different things. Does anyone know what I mean? Are...
  19. B

    i'm looking for animator for a pokmon mod

    i know the most of you people dobnt like pokemon so if you dont like it dont read this post. The best pokemon mod named "pokemod" is looking for an animator, you dont have to be good but you have to be able to make some basic movements like idle animations and some attacks. The mod is...
  20. M

    Need 2 Modelers for new better DBZ UT mod

    My friends and I would like to get 3 decent modelers for our new mod. We already have 1 and we only have couple models. We need one guy or girl that can make our transformation models another to make beams, ki blasts etc. and we also need a 2d artist. if your are interested and have some cool...
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