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  1. V

    Personality Test

    General Description As a Driver, you create activity and set the pace within your family and among your friends. Due to your desire to produce results, you quickly take charge by defining goals and delegating tasks. You are not afraid to take risks or impose your will through strong action in...
  2. V

    Post a Joke

    A Touring Vantrilaqist(SP,guy who can throw his voice) , is touring australia he comes accross a farm, he decides to have a little fun so he goes up to the porch a farmer and his dog are sitting on the porch. so the Vantrilaquist asks the farmer if he can talk to his dog, the farmer replied...
  3. V


    i dont know if posting about webpage games is against the rules or not if it is just delete the thread. i just recently started playing out war and could use help from a lot of ppl, you can help me by going to this site http://www.***********/page.php?x=1763215 the site makes me stronger...
  4. V

    a ridle

    i need help with a riddle for a game ive heard it before but cant rember lol so heres the riddle what walks on 4 legs in the morning. 2 in the evening. and none at night?
  5. V

    Pointless Thread2-Pepsi vs. Coke!

    Pepsi is the best mainly because of Mt. Dew i drink Mt. dew a lot i mean a lot like 6 cans a day
  6. V

    Favorite 'mythical' creature?

    Leprachaun would be my favorite probally because im half irish
  7. V

    The Imfamus Hate Thread

    Me smells like poop
  8. V

    Beems or Mele, which is te pwner :p

    i like beem's and melee equally i like beems because of ps's and melee cause its a bit more challanging
  9. V

    an error

    i use gametiger to find games and when i copy the ip and go to connect to a game i'll get an error its one of the blue kinds like windows has did somethign wrong must close or something like that and it says press ctrl alt delete or hit any key to return to windows... but then when i restart cs...
  10. V

    Omg im shivering BAD!

    i really dont like reading but this story kept me reading its quite(sp?) long though im on page 8
  11. V

    The Imfamus Hate Thread

    Prozac got killed by me in esf...
  12. V

    Opinions on Life/Reality

    if god does exits who created god? adn who created the person that created god? etc. some of these theorys state that there has to be something to create something else or somewhere alogn those lines i aint great with words if ya ask em the world/universe is just an unexplanable thing adn that...
  13. V

    Do you smoke cigars ?

    i smoke winstons/marbloro reds never tryed a cigar
  14. V

    Steam O_O

    i hate steam i get like tons of reliable overflows
  15. V

    Weapon of choice

    no guns are for the lazy hehe i would want one of those lasor pistols from starwars
  16. V

    If you could choose one DBZ attack....

    abilty to fly fly to work sve moeny from not buing car or gas plus help the economy/enviroemnt by not using gas
  17. V

    Question bout multi-psin with SBC

    i dont think Sbc should detatch everytiem i saw piccol using it the show he he was controlling it
  18. V


    Theres really no point to having kaioken because there's turbo, turbo raises your ki and the kaioken attack would just raise your ki also so really no point
  19. V

    stop complaining about...

    i only lagg when i have my mp3 player on other then that im fine while playing
  20. V

    i cant find anyone to play online with

    you can go to its what i use and i like it when you search, search for esf
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