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  1. X

    ESF movie Dual

    Wow, that was pretty bad. Nice intro in andrey's though. Kinda.
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    Criss Angel...

    For someone who doesn't watch t.v. you sure are stuck on the notion that all he does is perform for his show. Don't forget that he also did live perfomances. I forget where, might have been broadway. By your standards, all magicians are actors because they are all pretending...
  3. X

    Criss Angel...

    You didn't say people who believe what he does is real are stupid, so I did. What are you even arguing about? Hes a magician. Plain and simple. He shows you something, makes you believe its real, while in reality he's doing something else. Thats what all good magicians do.
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    Criss Angel...

    Doesn't matter how stupid the person is. As long as they think what hes doing is actually possible, he has a job.
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    Criss Angel...

    As long as there are more people who believe his tricks are possible than there are people who don't, the illusion remains. But of course, he doesn't need to show people how he does his tricks. He just pays people to say "Wow. That was amazing." Right? Of course.
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    Criss Angel...

    If he were to say "Everyone, all of my tricks are bull****. Seriously", that would disrupt the illusion. The point of magic is to maintain an illusion and make people believe you're doing something other than what you're actually doing. So again, he is a magician. He himself is an illusion...
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    what is the first thing

    So knowing how to swoop, use melee in conjunction with single ki blasts after a hit and/or a gen beam to dissuade opponents from giving chase or just to cause extra damage are no longer viable tactics? Wow.
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    For What?

    I don't think the whole "All cool people are going to have crappy jobs! Yeah!" really applies anymore. From my experience, all but a few of the popular people are going into business. Their personalities are actually perfect for the business world. Stop hating everyone who has what you don't...
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    Criss Angel...

    *Sigh* No one said he does what he does because of quantum mechanics o.0. Again, the illusion is what matters and that's all hes responsible for. That makes him a magician. To say hes a fake magician because he's not actually flying or teleporting is ignorant.
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    Criss Angel...

    Whats the difference between a real magician and a fake magician? There is no such thing as a "real magician". You either are or you aren't. You either create illusions, or you don't. When you can provide proof of Criss Angel paying off everyone he sees, I'll be sure to admit you were correct...
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    what is the first thing

    I'm not so sure about that. Unless the system in 1.3 is completely different from 1.2, pros will remain pros and the cycle will continue. First thing I'll do is look at the animations.
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    Criss Angel...

    While I don't really think everything he does is real, you guys have to admit hes good at what he does. I really don't think he has the money to pay everyone he sees to concoct a heinous plan to trick tv viewers every time. He wouldn't be much of a street magician if he did.
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    Criss Angel...

    Stay out of matters that don't concern you. Stating that the laws of physics aren't absolute and one should do some reading up on quantum physics doesn't translate to " I am better than you." Stating that I don't know what the Cold War is might, though. We were told to stay off this topic. Leave...
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    Criss Angel...

    While I understand you may not agree with documented facts or quantum physics, you don't need to belittle me.
  15. X

    Criss Angel...

    Thats exactly why I said I doubted he ever said what he does is fake.
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    Criss Angel...

    First, yes, the Cold War was an arms race. Psi abilities were to be harnessed as weapons. Both America and Russia heavily funded programs designed to a) prove abilities such as telekinesis, remote viewing and telepathy existed and could be viable as weapons and b) teach volunteers to use said...
  17. X

    Criss Angel...

    You've yet to provide proof of him saying what he does is fake. I'm sure you're a great guy and your an honest person, but you saying its fake just because isn't going to cut it. I highly doubt he ever said "What I do is fake" because the intent is to trick people into believing what he does is...
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    Criss Angel...

    I'd point out Cold War-era psi experiments, but I'm afraid we'd go too far off-topic. It being fake doesn't make what he does any less impressive. Saying its fake is the easy part. Finding out how he does what he does is the tricky part, and its what most people fail to do.
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    Criss Angel... I think he fits the bill quite well. I remember watching his specials before he really made it big, and even then they were pretty awesome.
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    Sci-Fi fans, help me out with my tabletop game!

    I made a post regarding infecting one of the opposing player's pieces, thus creating a spy which would serve to "transmit data" i.e. enemy positions (if its like battleship) or hand if you need cards, but then I read Bolteh's post and he pretty much got it down. If its a board game with...
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