
  1. S

    ms3d help to save

    how i save my model in ms3d??? i cant save it in Gamestudio A5 MDL = Warning No Control Script Found, thats wierd
  2. I

    Modelling (damn)

    Can someone tell how i convert .ms3d to .mdl? i´m just noob model maker :I
  3. DBZFever

    MY SSJ2 Gohan model!

    Im making a ssj2 gohan model, from this and i have made this Can someoen help me find a back picture and a side picture??
  4. Cheeseman

    Important Modelling News!

    From this point onwards, people posting modelling threads based on their projects will be required to supply images of their work. Failure to do so will result in removal of aforementioned threads and warnings being distributed to repeat offenders. You may think this sounds harsh, but until...
  5. G

    My first model

    Ok first off this pic isnt' the best in the world because I don't know how to take good pics w/ 3DS Max 4.2. But this is my first model ever that didn't suck. Critz?
  6. DBZFever

    A new modeler seeking help

    Hey, I am learning to become a modeler. I have took numerous tutorials and it hasnt helped me:(. Call me stupid, i deserve. Anyway, I was wondering if someone out there could just get me started off. I know it will be a pain in the butt for both of us, but it would help me out tremendously...
  7. S

    What program do you need to create skins/models?

    what do u need to make skins and where to download it? much appreciated.
  8. L

    How To Model

    Hi all, im a noob to modelling, so if you know your a master modeller and have the trime to teach me plz add me to msn at [email protected], or my AOL AIM, Denethor361. I really need help:cry: because everytimne i try to model something its turns out crap and rubbish, i can skin thats easy...
  9. T


    Yeah, I need it for modelling, where can I get it? cause im not paying for it... =D
  10. D

    Milkshape Registration

    Ok, I download Milkshape 3d version 1.6.5 from the official site. I wanna do that CS Girl tutorial. Anyway, I go and use Milkshape for however many days. Then, just recently, it said my version had expired and I can't save and I have to register. I ***** about it to my friends and one of them...
  11. T

    ahhhh help plz!!!

    any 1 know of a site for tutorials for noob modelers cuz i wanna make some models and get into it >_< i got the prog but dunno wat to do lol
  12. L

    What's the best modelling program ?

    I am a newbie to 3D model making and I would just like to know what is the best 3D model making program ? I have heard of Milkshape 3D and would like to know if this is the best program or are there other one's that are better and easier to use ???
  13. V

    I Need Help

    I need a complete dbx modelling tutorial, or someone to teach me how to model dbz style:idea:thanx for the help;)
  14. S

    i dont now how to make a model

    can someone teach me how to make a model?o_o
  15. S

    pleaz help me

    I want to learn skinning and modelling. What softwares do I use ? And how can I make clothes ?? Sorry for my bad english
  16. A

    i need ure help guys

    hey guys , i decided i wanna try my luck in modelling/skinning/reskinning so i wanted to ask u l33t modellers/skinners, gimme some good tutorials , i have read the stickey , and that tutorial for ms3d didnt help , so im just asking , be kind , gimme some tutorials , something basic...
  17. A

    Help , plz

    hey ppl , i decided i wanna try my luck in modelling , got ms3d 1.6.4 i just wanted u guys to help me find tutorials , basic things , i have read the stickey but i didnt understand anything from the turotial i saw, some zombie dude , something strage, i want something more simple like...
  18. X


    Hey guys, you people are great modellers and I am just wondering if any of you know where I can read a couple of good modelling tutorials for 3D's Max. I really want to make something so any replies are welcome. Thanx :p
  19. F

    Xporting Models

    I just finished my Vegito and he is rdy to go but i dont know how 2 export him
  20. V

    Animation Pr0gZ

    Hey what are some good animation progs out there so I can do a alittle tweakin of my own.. I looked at the sticky for milkshape and that didnt say NE thing about animation support. ~RAGE
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