What is your job

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Dec 1, 2001
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North East Pennsylvania
Just for fun lets check everyone's job.

This is what you need to answer in your reply:

* What is your job.
* Your salary and if you get bonuses for certain actions/performance.
* What is the minimum wage in your country.
* Are you a high school student.
* Did you have to learn for that job in an academy\college (like a Doctor) or not.(Pizza boy, lol)

I'll start:
* I am doing phone surveys
* My salary is minimum and I can get bonuses
* About 4.5 $
* Yes I am
* No I did not(still a student)

Post yours

Go Johnny!
Production Trainer and Semi Auto Machine Operator B (Supervisory Position)

I will not discuss my specific salary, but our company does give bonuses out for performance of the organization as a whole.

Minimum Wage in Pennsylvania meets the US minimum, which is about $6.75/hr.

I am not in Highschool, and I have post High School Education.

While my college and trade school educations were not neccesary to get my current position, they certainly helped me with it.
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May 13, 2003
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Just for fun lets check everyone's job.

This is what you need to answer in your reply:

* What is your job.
* Your salary and if you get bonuses for certain actions/performance.
* What is the minimum wage in your country.
* Are you a high school student.
* Did you have to learn for that job in an academy\college (like a Doctor) or not.(Pizza boy, lol)
* I'm responsible for the distribution of BMW car parts, at least to official BMW dealers, in the Netherlands, at a logistics company called Parts Express.

* I make approximately €12 an hour, mostly because I work at night so that's like.. an extra 15% or something. I'm not sure. Extra's come in the form of gifts - a few weeks ago I got a BMW jacket and cap from the 130i Cup, for free. Awesome stuff, I might add.

* According to Wikipedia, the minimum wage is €1356,60 a month. Let's just say I'm well above that.

* I'm not a high school student anymore, since about a year and a half ago.

* Not per se, but it helps to have a good understanding of how distribution and logistics work. Also I did have to get my certificate for handling a forklift truck because apparantly it's illegal to drive one without one of those. >_>


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Retired Forum Staff
✔️ HL Verified
Dec 10, 2003
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*rolls eyes*
Quite clever if he hadn't edited his post 9 hours before you replied. If you feel the urge to spam try to keep it in the spam thread.

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