People who say one thing, lie about it and forget they said that & then try to act like that never happened or it was never said (points at Vanessa Boombarker......). Then you find out they said something, something they should of told you but they tell someone other then you and you don't find out till a few days later, but yet you were standing a little bit away from them. Then they go insult you behind your back, & gossip accusations all over the place etc, only to have my brother's girlfriend overhere some of it since she only went to the same school.
Other then that, people such as andreyesf posting nothing but "OMG THAT IS SO COOL" or "HEY I'M INNOCENT" when there is outstanding evidence that states & proves he is infact guilty.
Various n00bs on the internet going "OMG I GOT NORTON YOU CAN'T HACK" but fail to understand that one program won't always be relaible enough to avoid such things (I bet if they don't have a router then they are ****ed).
n00bs that go around insulting people in any form of internet contact weather it be a public forum or some form of an IM program.
People that judge you based on what they may here about you or who follow other's opinions, in other words, people who pre-judge people without getting to know them in person.
People who insult you & People who try to scab ciggarettes or money off you constantly, and then yet you ask them for a ciggie one of those things lsited above and then they always piss and moan about it, and when they also piss and moan when you don't give them something they try to scab off you.
[sarcasam]Oh, & did I mention Kidboy pr0n =P.[/sarcasam]