This little video is pretty scary.

The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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I was listening to the Bill O'Reilly radio show while traveling earlier this year, probably Feb or March. It was around the time when the democratic primaries to a were coming close, and many supporters of Hillary brought up some of the stuff in this video, particularly Rev. Wright. I found it particularly amusing, because O'Reilly was actually pretty sympathetic with Obama, saying that people were just grasping at strings trying to find some sort of dark history contained within Obama and playing on people's fears. Which is exactly what this video is doing?

Listen to Obama's speech, A More Perfect Union, to hear his response to the Rev. Wright business when it first came up. Particularly:

I have already condemned, in unequivocal terms, the statements of Reverend Wright that have caused such controversy. For some, nagging questions remain. Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely - just as I'm sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.
How many of you heard views from your pastors, bishops, or church presidents that you can't agree with? I was raised Mormon and heard such things as "Black people are the descendants of Cain. Their dark skin is the mark spoken of in the bible." We were told not to marry outside our religion or race(religion makes sense, at least) and other such remarks. Guess how many of those remarks I hold true to this day?

How many of you have friends you still hang out with who hold views you find wrong, such as racism, yet you still will hang out with them and just consider their words misguided?

Now I know that most members here don't seem to care about the video's views on his name, but I'll throw this anecdote into my post anyway. My full name is Devin Matthew Johnston. My first name is Irish, but I'm as about as Irish as any other young American, that is to say that I only pretend I'm Irish to brag about how well I hold my liquor. Same goes for my Scottish last name. My middle name is biblical, though it's origins are not. A name is something we're given at birth, at least in our culture, and really shows little about who we really are. Are all Sarahs the same? How about Richards or Christophers? Can you really expect all Mohammeds, Husseins, and Ahmads to be the same? How many people have biblical names and hold the mindset that started the Inquisition, Crusades, or Witch Hunts? How many Germans hold Nazi ideologies?

Sorry for the heavy anecdote use followed by overuse of rhetorical questions, but politics, religion, and culture are about as scientific as sociology. There's some there, but very little when considering human mindset. Trust me on this one. You want to look at a politicians past record of politics, not go searching into their past to find mud to sling.

The only scary thing about this video is fear mongering and knowing how many people will just eat it up without looking at it critically.
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Oct 27, 2002
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You put up a propaganda video; I'll give you two videos, serious and silly:

The next is an interview given right after he gave a speech at my university:

This guy isn't afraid to ask the tough questions: "The Rev. Wright controversy, the flag pin controversy... Will you pull a bait-and-switch, sir, and enslave the white race? Is that your plan?"

Edit: Turns out John McCain was born in Panama. A US base in Panama but still technically not in the USA therefore, shouldn't he be ineligible for presidency?
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Freelance Mappzor
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Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
You put up a propaganda video; I'll give you two videos, serious and silly:

The next is an interview given right after he gave a speech at my university:

This guy isn't afraid to ask the tough questions: "The Rev. Wright controversy, the flag pin controversy... Will you pull a bait-and-switch, sir, and enslave the white race? Is that your plan?"

Edit: Turns out John McCain was born in Panama. A US base in Panama but still technically not in the USA therefore, shouldn't he be ineligible for presidency?
Technically Bush was a deserter when he was yung. He still got to be president and start a couple of wars.
Cunning as Zeus
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Nov 23, 2003
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Technically Bush was a deserter when he was yung. He still got to be president and start a couple of wars.
He didn't desert anything. He joined the National Guard. He was "a senator's son", if you will (Creedence Clearwater- Fortunate Son).


Haha oh wow, I love videos like this simply because of the hilarious responses they bring.
Oh, Dear LORD JESUS…hear our prayer! GOD BLESS AMERICA, please! Why can’t we buy time on all stations and have this video shown…take out the cartoon about “…I invented the internet”! We got until November to stop this man! I’m for McCain, an America hero, but even Hillary, (Brrrrrr) looks better as the news continues!
Stuff like that used to frustrate me and make me rant about crap, but I just enjoy it now. In fact, I want McCain to win. Just because it'd be hilarious.

I would actually really like to see Obama change America in favour of the ghetto.. Reverse the taxes of the Bush administration, perhaps. And that Wright guy.. Hell, I like him. He goes way over the top, but he's preaching some interesting stuff.
That's not to say I care about Obama, I don't believe any of the three likely candidates show any potential.

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