The game made me do it!

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Apr 17, 2002
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Okay well if any of you are from the UK you might of heard of that school attack or what not. I was watching the news just now (yeh thats right the news) and it was talking about the boys mother wanting to sue Rockstar because the game (Manhunt) made him kill another pupil or something. I'll try and find the story and post it. But what I'm saying is do you guys think games influence us? I mean we had the whole GTA incident etc. etc. I mean I personaly think its stupid, I mean I played Manhunt, GTA hell (slighty off topic here, cos its not violent) Pokemon etc. Does that mean cos I played manhunt I want to pop someones eyes out with a shard of glass? Does that mean I now want to Jack cars and does it also mean that cos I played Pokemon that I now want to run around the woods throwing balls at animals in the hope I can catch em all? Or because I played Tenchu that I want to switch into a ninja suit and leap around my village slitting peoples throats? Dont think so...
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Jun 9, 2002
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I think games are just there for people to blame. Maybe the kid was an idiot all along and the parents idolised the kid too much. Who knows.
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Apr 6, 2003
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I'v got the game (Manhunt), i'm 16 and i havn't wanted to go around killing people... I think that he said it just for an excuse for murder. There was a similar thing with the Matrix wasn't there?

Anyway he is 17 the games rating is 18 (yes I know im being a hypocrite as im 16)
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Mar 20, 2004
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Ive been thinking about this lately, and its just so much bs. I personally love manhunt. I play it alot, and I mean alot. I also used to play vice city and the entire GTA series a crap load. I also played True Crime, hell to make a long story short I love violent video games. Not once have I even thought of going out and killing somebody, its just stupid. If you are so weak minded that you are prone to being brainwashed by a video game, well, thats not the video games fault is it? same thing couldve happened if that kid saw a gory movie and liked it alot. People who blame music, tv, and well basically enterntainment for crimes and what not really get my nerves going. Any normal human being will realize its there to entertain us. If you go and take a game like manhunt that seriously and start killing people, its not the games fault, its your fault.

Jesus, I hate people.
Sep 29, 2002
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Meh if anything i would say games do the opposite. People can have their violent killing fetishes or release their stress from work in video games, without actually killing anyone! So you might say they save peoples lives really..
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Mar 23, 2002
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We cant say it didnt influence him.. maybe it did? Yea.. were thinking "wtf kinda bull**** excuse is that", but some people are different.. we can just never know what influences anyone because whatever it is its going to get the same response "this guy is crazy"
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Jan 6, 2002
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What I don't understand is why his parents didn't do anything. I mean its like the story about the guy who locked himself in his room and played Ultima until he died or passed out from starvation - why the hell didn't his parents break the door down?!

They themselves said their sone was 'obsessed.' Thats about the time that I'd start taking my kid into the fresh air for an hour or two. o_O
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May 13, 2003
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I remember some story about a kid who started shooting at his school and because he was wearing a long black coat people immediately blamed The Matrix. It's a screwed up world I tell you. o_o
✔️ HL Verified
Nov 29, 2002
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Id just like to say that

a: ive been hearing about it all on the radio all week at work, at its rediculous. This is the one thing in life that gets me mad, when people try to pass the blame away from themselves, "oh, its not because im a bad mother/ insane child, a game MADE me."

b: Dixons as of this morning has removed manhunt from there shelves. So i suggest if you havnt got manhunt, get it now, cos its a great game, dont belive all the "its just mindless killing!" thats going around.

edit: and OMG... i just found this about gta3

They were sent to a detention centre, but in their defence they told investigators that they got the idea to shoot cars from GTA3.
thats like saying "i got the idea to try to swim after falling into a river in driv3r and nearly drown!"

please, if anybody reads this and snaps, causing them to commit murder, for the murder weapon use tissues/bread/hats or anything else utterly ludicrous, and then say they made you and try to get them banned.

"after seing a feather on a hat, it gave me the idea to kill people using dead pigeons. i want all hats BANNED!"
May 12, 2004
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I dont understand how someone can play a game and make them kill someone first of all its a game not real life. when ever theres a vilolent game PARENTS just run for it to get rid of it or if theres a shooting etc they will blame in on a video game video games cannont make people do stuff its them that does it if he killed someone. Ive played many bad games (violent games) and i NEVER wanted to go kill someone thats just stupid as hell. parents should not blame violent behavior on video games its the violent child that does the stupid stuff maybe he doesnt fell loved or somthing maybe hes just stupid and crazy but with that kid im guessing he was just stupid and crazy =[
The Viking
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Sep 29, 2002
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It's a common thing for people to find a black sheep, when something bad happens. In this case it's a videogame. Videogames can change your view on life, but in this case, i'd say, the kid wasn't right in the head, before the whole thing happened.

I played Postal, Manhunt, all he GTA series, to make a long story short, i've been playing every violent game there is. But i don't have any murderous intentions, now do I? You need potential for murdering someone, and obviously this kid had that kind of potential.
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Apr 17, 2002
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I guess it just really shows how parents are becoming more alienated(sp?) from the things their kids do, I mean I was watching a program last week about Kids who are like 13 14 15 and are out getting p***ed all the time I mean come on the least the parents could be keeping an eye on things to stop it getting out of control, like this for instance. But you can also understand that us teenagers don't exactly listen to our parents anyway so you can see why they would give up after numerous trail and error, what a world eh? :smile:
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May 7, 2004
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I saw the news report this morning, and as I always am with these things, I was utterly disgusted. As some people have already stated, games are a scapegoat for violent attacks and nothing more.

I won't deny that games can affect your mental state, but they can't in my opinion, turn you into a psychopath that wants to go out and kill someone. You've got to be ****ed up in the head to start with. If that's the case, and they are mentally unstable to begin with, then anything could have set them off. A violent movie, an argument with someone, anything...

I can't really argue with the idea of Manhunt being related to this killing, he admitted it himself and without having further evidence I can't really say that he's lying. But Manhunt inspired the way that he killed, I doubt it was actually what made him want to kill in the first place.

I don't play these games but if they are influencing kids to go out and kill people then you don't want them on the shelves
This is the key line in every attack on video games. The people complaining have never played the games themselves. I think this point explains it's self.

Finally, in my opinion, it's these news reports that should be banned. The reporters are the only ones taking the game too seriously, and they're the only ones connecting these games with real life...


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May 27, 2004
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Lol!! Hmm blaming rockstar again i see. thats really messed up....Now and only i understand what nintendo meant by this paragraph below.

Strangely enough, Gosen also was directly critical of the Grand Theft Auto series as well as other rockstar games which are violent games, calling it "a dead-end street." He also stated that he doesn't like the idea of having to defend his company from the issue of violent games.
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Apr 9, 2003
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Man people really have alot of issues, blaming a game on there own faults this is just stupid.
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May 7, 2004
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I disagree with Nintendo's statement. You really can't buy publicity like this, think of all the the people who are going to buy the game now just to see what all the fuss is about. Also, Rockstar hardly have to defend the game, unless it's declared as obscene, then there's nothing anyone can do about it. If game like Postal 2 and Manhunt aren't declared as obscene, then I get the feeling that pretty much anything is allowed...
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Jan 27, 2003
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"I don't play these games but if they are influencing kids to go out and kill people then you don't want them on the shelves"

The game is an 18 for a reason, and thats point. The kid is only 17, he shouldn't be playing it in the first place.
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May 5, 2004
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You can't say "Manhunt made me want to kill". In the news story it says he did it to steal from him, so obviously he was messed up and had the wrong ideas, Manhunt probably did cause him to make it so violent but someone would have been killed anyway.
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May 7, 2004
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AGGHH!! Stores in England have started to take the game off the shelves damn it! That's really, really pissed me off! I was just watching the news, and the reporter took a dig at other games too...

"Max Payne was described as disturbing and not for the kids"
"State of emergency was brutal and violent"
"Grand Theft Auto 3 was violent and sadistic"

Just as I thought this thing couldn't get out of hand...
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May 17, 2004
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Manhunt is a reeeeeaaly psyco game :D and an very awesome one too ^^
Maybe the boy wuz so stupid that he thought that after stabbing his friend he could just load the game and his friend would be new again :laff:
"The game made me do it" that's one lame excuse for brainlessness.

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