The "bugs" I enjoy

New Member
Mar 26, 2002
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Are the ki ball persistent explosions supposed to set off any attacks charged within them? I've noticed that if someone is charging and you start a persistent explosion (from the mini ki balls) They kill themselves when they release their attack and you get the frag.
The frag I don't have a problem with, but it that the way you wanted it to work?

I've also noticed that judicious use of mini ki balls can explode charged attacks after they're released. I enjoy this, but I thought the larger attacks were supposed to blow right through ki balls.

The powerup/restore ki effect is awesome... anyone notice how cool it looks when it's stuck on? Hint hint (I now see what you were talking about Hibiki, for turbo).

Just for kicks, I ran my PL up to over 6 hundred million, and the ki explosions stopped working. I was running about seven bots, and it just now occurs to me that I should have kicked them all and tested the explosions again before posting.. ah well.
At that strength, melee alone is impressive.
Struggles seemed to be messed up as well; the bar was moving all over the place. Direct hits for various charged attacks did no apparent damage, indeed at one point my health had moved out of the bar...
Hope this helps.
New Member
Dec 1, 2002
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hey i want to no how to to the power up affect jaming thing it would make for some awsome screen shots i would aslo apreciate it a lot thanks

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