Super Saiyan Glowing

Nov 26, 2001
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Cell was technically a super saiya-jin.
He also technically hit ssj2 when he regenerated after he self-destructed.

So, of course he had that aura.

I didn't know that about Vegeta hitting ssj3 for a couple seconds..makes sense though.

Gohan NEVER goes higher than ssj2. Except for his "mystic" form....but that's a different story.

He never surpasses that because he never trains. He hates fighting and he's a terrible fighter.

I'll explain how goku goes ssj4 for the very last time...I've done it 3 or 4 times in the past.
Abridged version:
Goku's fighting bebi vegeta on bebi's planet. Goku(he's a child at this point, btw) goes ssj3, but his tiny body can't suport that amount of power, so he gets knocked around for awhile. He looks at the full earth(think full moon), and turns into the golden oozaru(big gold monkey). He stomps around for awhile, then tranforms into ssj4.
New Member
Jan 4, 2002
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you know, Gohan never went "Mystic". He's still SSJ2, except much much much much stronger, they said he can turn into a super-saiyajin, but the power would blow up himself, the earth, the solar system, and part of the galaxy.

A little off topic: Shouldn't there be a DBZ discussion forum for threads that turn into these? This is a DBZ mod, isn't it? (unless i totally missed something here)
New Member
Jan 10, 2002
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Theres an artist rendering of Gohan going ssj4, but i think its just an artist's perception of Gohan. What i dont get is why Gohan was so good facing Cell but after that he sux, kinda sad really. At least his daughter kicks ass. I always wondered what a super-saiyan female would look like...

SS2 cell was kool, but before the cell episodes gohan was a decent character, even though im a Vegeta fan to the death. Gohan is terrible after he goes to high-school, what an idiot.

I took a look at that "mystic" thing, gohans power would exceed that of ssj4 if he powered up, but his body wouldnt be able to handle it until after he died or went ssj4. The power would destory an entire galaxy at the least.

Like i said before, "he doesnt go past ss2, but he gets much stonger than that"

Oh and about the cell thing, i know he does it in the show, i was wondering about the game;)
Nov 26, 2001
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Gohan sucked after he joined high school because there was a seven year gap between the fight with cell and him starting high school.
he never trained a day during those seven years.
hence, his power dropped, he really couldn't hit ssj2 anymore, and his technique became sloppy.
New Member
Jan 10, 2002
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NO gohan went ssj2, he just had a lot more power when he killed cell. They dont lose transformations just because they dont train a while. Remember he trained for 2 weeks with goten and got his act together a LITTLE bit.

My question is does he ever become a significant fighter later in the DBZ-GT series or does he just kinda die out like Tien And Chiatzou?

You a big fan of Mega Man and mega man x? I was looking for a pic of MMX5 to use as a pic for my sig. Wonderin if u could help.

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