Several Suggestions

New Member
Dec 8, 2002
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Here are several of my suggestions, I hope you like them.

1. Controlling Beams
How about instead of the character turning as they conrtol beams, how about they stay still or can only move so much. That way if you need to make a really sharp turn with your beam, you want turn your character to far around to see where its going.

2. Flying Speed
The flying speed and running speed are too slow IMO. I think it would be better to speed up both of them especially when going turbo. This would make it easier and faster to move about the map while searching for sensu, balls, or enemies.

3. Increase Scouter Range
The current scouter's range is actually pretty small. In the series, the scouter could detect powers miles away. Why can't this one?
I know there's been talk about power sensing but if the scouter stays from now on, its range needs to be increased.

4. Side Step Teleporting
How about in addition to the teleport key, double tapping the side step keys (a and s on my settings) you can do a small teleport to the left or the right. This can be extremely helpful to avoid attacks or trick your opponent.

5. Teleporting While Charging Beams
How about the ability to teleport while charging attacks? Example: Goku vs. Cell. Now I know that was the instantaneous movement technique, but this would add a whole new dimension to the gameplay and would force players to be alert at all times.

6. Transformation Aura
When you go SSJ you should have a permanent aura. Other characters such as Krillen, Piccolo, etc. should not have an aura.

These are my ideas. I apologize if some of these have been suggested before, I'm new to the forums. So tell me what you think.
New Member
Nov 14, 2002
Best answers
4 and 5 are already in ..

press r with direction (including "a" and "s" ) and you will teleport in that direction!!

and for #5 well ... in ESF ssj goku can teleport while charging, but i think he is the only one who can do that!

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