

New Member
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May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
This part of the forums has died... Anyway, onto my questions:

1. Func_water - Are you able to control the speed of which the water animates so that it can look like it's flowing slow or fast?

2. Brush - Is it possible to make an object moveable? Like the crates in Half-Life, you were able to push them around.

3. Func_water - Is it possible to make it so that you can't see into the func_water brush but are able to see out of it?

4. Func_water - I've seen maps where the func_water brush is very uneven and doesn't have a smooth surface, basically meaning that it doesn't look calm. Is it the wave height that gives you that effect?

5. Triangle Terrain - Alright, this one has been on my mind for some time. Let's say you made a rock formation on a wall out of triangle brushes, and originally there was a wall already there. Should you just keep the rock formation on the wall or remove the wall and make sure there aren't any leaks?

6. CLIP Texture - I know that the clip texture when applied to a brush acts as a barrier for the player and I'm wondering if there is anything else that needs to be done besides applying the CLIP texture to a brush?

7. Entity - Is it possible to get the entities from Half-Life into ESF? For example, you take the original HGrunt model and place it within an ESF map, and the HGrunt will act as an NPC. I know there is a plug-in (monster plug-in by botman) that could do this, and I remember Mr. Satan using it in his server back a few years ago, but I'm just wondering if it can be done without a plug-in.

That's basically all of the questions I have for now, I'll post more if I come up with any. I'll use this thread instead of creating a thousand different question threads.
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May 28, 2005
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Johannesburg, South Africa
Okay, this forum isn't really dying, it's just pretty inactive atm, I'll be making a new map soon, just have to get some stuff straight, oh and trust me, this forum has been more inactvie quite a few times ^^, answers to your questions, but I'm not able to answer all of em:

1. Func_water - Are you able to control the speed of which the water animates so that it can look like it's flowing slow or fast?

I'm not sure about that, I'm sure in the properties is some speed thing, just have a look, if so, then it will usually have a speed of 100.

2. Brush - Is it possible to make an object moveable? Like the crates in Half-Life, you were able to push them around.

Yes it is, the entity, func_pushable ^^

3. Func_water - Is it possible to make it so that you can't see into the func_water brush but are able to see out of it?

Not that I know of, just try making a func illusionary at the part where the water ends at the top and then apply a texture looking like water, so you see the under part of func_illusionary brush

4. Func_water - I've seen maps where the func_water brush is very uneven and doesn't have a smooth surface, basically meaning that it doesn't look calm. Is it the wave height that gives you that effect?

Yes, the wave hight, but if you go too far away it looks pretty ****ty, trust me, I've tested it and don't use it on a map with a beach type of terrain, you see the water in the beach, oh and wave height of about 8 looks nice.

5. Triangle Terrain - Alright, this one has been on my mind for some time. Let's say you made a rock formation on a wall out of triangle brushes, and originally there was a wall already there. Should you just keep the rock formation on the wall or remove the wall and make sure there aren't any leaks?

Reomve the wall behind it if you want, just make sure that there are no spaces AT ALL between the brushes you used for the terrain, but remember the skybox, so then you can have a bit of space between them, but it looks dumb.

6. CLIP Texture - I know that the clip texture when applied to a brush acts as a barrier for the player and I'm wondering if there is anything else that needs to be done besides applying the CLIP texture to a brush?

Sorry I have no idea what that is ;)

7. Entity - Is it possible to get the entities from Half-Life into ESF? For example, you take the original HGrunt model and place it within an ESF map, and the HGrunt will act as an NPC. I know there is a plug-in (monster plug-in by botman) that could do this, and I remember Mr. Satan using it in his server back a few years ago, but I'm just wondering if it can be done without a plug-in.

Sorry don't know either, haven't tried it yet, must have something to do with the fgd, though I'm not sure at all, so I'm not gonna lie and make something up.

That's basically all of the questions I have for now, I'll post more if I come up with any. I'll use this thread instead of creating a thousand different question threads.
Answered in quote


New Member
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May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
Thanks for the answers Donnierisk. I've asked about placing the Half-Life NPC's into a modification (in this case, ESF) on another forums and I've only received one reply that didn't answer my question.

Thanks again.
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Jun 8, 2004
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MC said:
6. CLIP Texture - I know that the clip texture when applied to a brush acts as a barrier for the player and I'm wondering if there is anything else that needs to be done besides applying the CLIP texture to a brush?

Nope, any brush with the CLIP tool becomes transparent and impassable. Bullets, grenades (using Counter-Strike as an example, never tested it with genballs) will still go through. Players will not.

7. Entity - Is it possible to get the entities from Half-Life into ESF? For example, you take the original HGrunt model and place it within an ESF map, and the HGrunt will act as an NPC. I know there is a plug-in (monster plug-in by botman) that could do this, and I remember Mr. Satan using it in his server back a few years ago, but I'm just wondering if it can be done without a plug-in.

That would be awesome, but unfortunately they're two seperate entities. Half-Life uses monster_hgrunt entities to put Grunts in maps, they refer to a model written into the FGD and an AI written into the engine. ESF has neither. The best you can get is an env_model with a player model.
Did my best to answer the questions donnie couldn't. And you're right, the section needs shaking up, you'll see something from me in a few days ;o
The Viking
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Sep 29, 2002
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MC, this part of the forum has always been a cold dead place. There simply are not a lot of mappers. A lot of people here hang around in the modelling/art/signature parts but mostly offtopic.
Freelance Mappzor
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Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
Agrees with CS.

Offtopic is most visited :S

Ih and sorry for no update I cant compile my maps >.<
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Dec 25, 2001
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6. CLIP Texture - I know that the clip texture when applied to a brush acts as a barrier for the player and I'm wondering if there is anything else that needs to be done besides applying the CLIP texture to a brush?
nope thats it.
New Member
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May 28, 2005
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Johannesburg, South Africa
KK, you're welcome, oh and I'll post my newest map soon, it's just I'm sitting with my formatted pc, but I still need to buy XP PRO, so I've got an empty computer and that's where I do all me mapping, I can only make textures on this computer, so it might take a few days, my pockets are empty and XP Pro costs alot.

I have to say, this section was pretty active the last few months, a few new mappers arrived, but yeah, still one of the most inactive places in the forum.

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