My controls -
forward - w
backward - s
strafe Left - a
strafe right - d
swoop down - f
jump - space bar
turbo - Shift
toggle flymode - C
radar - mouse5
teleport - mouse 4, r
powerup - e
block - q
ascend, decend - z, x
previous attack - wheeldown
next attack - wheelup
mouse sensitivity - 9.5
Actualy mouse - Logitech mx510
For some reason, the first time I played esf I reversed the "next attack" and "previous attack" buttons and got used to it like that... So for example, when i'm on melee, scrolling up goes to kiblasts instead of sensu beans.. I also have radar set as mouse 5 and when I play, i constantly change modes from radar mode to player to see who the hell i'm fighting.