Personality Test

New Member
Feb 9, 2003
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General Description
As a Driver, you create activity and set the pace within your family and among your friends. Due to your desire to produce results, you quickly take charge by defining goals and delegating tasks. You are not afraid to take risks or impose your will through strong action in order to move ahead.

Typical Areas of Strength
Drivers, like you, are bold, direct, confident, competitive, often pioneering, assertive, frank, independent, and responsive to new challenges. You excel by having the freedom to define a direction focused on results.

Typical Areas of Struggle
You may be impatient, insensitive to the feelings of others, frustrated with details and routines, a poor listener, impulsive, too blunt, or overbearing.

Your Preferred Activities
To maximize your talents, you look for situations in which you can have a high level of independence, with obstacles to overcome, challenges to meet and solve, without many details to handle.

Your Communication Style
You communicate directly and forcefully, getting to the bottom line quickly. As a result, friends and family may see you as demanding, impersonal, and dominating.
New Member
Mar 6, 2004
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General Description
As an Encourager, you are very relationship oriented and respond naturally to the needs of others. You want to be seen as an excellent listener who can respond to the challenge of helping others in practical ways, including solving personal problems.

Typical Areas of Strength
Encouragers, like you, are typically energetic, friendly, encouraging, patient, understanding, loyal, steady, dependable, and are willing to listen to the needs of others.

Typical Areas of Struggle
You often shy away from conflict and may avoid making difficult people decisions, rather than hurt the feelings of others.

Your Preferred Activities
Because you cooperate well with others, you function best with access to people who need assistance, encouragement, development.

Your Communication Style
You communicate through carefully chosen words, gestures, body language, facial expressions, and listening skills to communicate your concern.
New Member
Apr 21, 2003
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Im a Networker...VERY accurate stuff there...and my highest score said that i was more reserved than wouldnt think so in the forums or on counter strike though..
New Member
Dec 30, 2003
Best answers
General Description
As a Director, you usually have a unique blend of confidence, initiative, and people skills. Typically, you are able to see the larger vision and then use your superior communication skills to motivate others toward accomplishing it.

Typical Areas of Strength
Directors, like you, tend to be outgoing, bold, optimistic, fun-loving, competitive, confident, assertive, and a visionary who motivates others to accomplish tasks. You excel by having the freedom to define goals and by influencing others to reach those goals.

Typical Areas of Struggle
You may get carried away with enthusiasm, have difficulty listening, overestimate the abilities of yourself and others, be overly optimistic about situations and outcomes, and use others too much.

Your Preferred Activities
To maximize your talents, you look for situations in which can use your high energy level to make projects succeed. You look for situations in which you can influence others, communicate ideas, and overcome new challenges.

Your Communication Style
You communicate emotionally by being direct, straightforward, enthusiastic, optimistic, energetic, bold, and emphatic. You become impatient with long or detailed explanations or discussions.

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