My School is Technologically Illiterate

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Dec 3, 2002
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The same thing with my friends except they are actually techno-savvy. I have one friend who bought an HP laptop for like 1500 bucks when it was already horribly obsolete, AND after the demo one crashed in the store. He's still paying for this computer, which is completely non-upgradable and didn't have the power to do anything he wanted at all. His excuse was he needed it for school...well he never once took it to school, and bought a 200 dollar computer desk to sit it on at his house. Once we had a little lan get together and he didn't bring his computer, saying he "didn't feel like unhooking it all." Well he had to use my old machine instead--a p3 700 mhtz. Needless to say, all we could play was Warcraft...and since he cheated through the whole game, he had no idea how to actually play at all and quit.

He ended up reading a book and subsequently killing all the fun, because now the teams became 2 on 1 in every game. Good job!
New Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Robby said:
i feel the same way. all the kids dont think enough. EExample from today:
Mr. Kelley (my teacher): What is the square root of 12 X 5?
Student 1:...
Student 2:...
Student 2: 30
Mr.Kelley: no
Student 1: 12?
mr. Kelley: no
Student 1 : 10
Mr.Kelley: yes (finally)

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