Simple melee isn't so bad. It's those tools who overly abuse it...mouse sensitivity at 500% swooping in a goofy ass zig zag that hits you four times before you even hit the ground.
Also, in hearing "Start a 1.0 server community so all the vets can play," I just found that to be amusing, in a way.
But back onto topic...the game is designed around some concepts that, when properly used, make the game enjoyably simulate DBZ to a degree. To keep doing 1.1 melee...after all the lame *****ing in 1.1 about how "thats not for how teh shwo is" just stupid, number one. Number two, it should be duly noted that doing any tactic over and over again now that we have multiple options makes fights boring and lame.
If you're that desperate to win, you need to play another mod. This one, call me crazy, is supposed to be about having fun. And I don't find repeated abuse of any one move in the game very fun, for two reasons:
1.) It's annoying, predictable, and stupid,
2.) It's not fun beating your ass all over the map because you're using predictable lame tactics.
Nobody likes an SBC whore...or a Spirit Bomb slut...or a kame from the corner of the map every 15 seconds...why should it be okay for you to whore the one form of melee? By that logic, you should never complain about a beam spammer or a kill thief ever again.