More evidence for evolution

Force Pit Member
Mar 17, 2007
Best answers
I would have made this thread regardless of whether you visit these forums or not. This is evidenced by the fact that I made an identical thread in another forum I visit. Like I said previously, I find stuff like this interesting.
Would you post a thread about creationism if there was an article with proof?

I think you would.

Too bad there isn't such a thing.

The Bible doesn't count.

The fact of the matter is, J-Dude, is that every article ever made about Evolution is backed up with cold, hard evidence. You say, or more correctly, creationism says that God placed everything that is on the Earth today himself. However, over 44,000 generations later this bacteria could consume and digest citrate, something they couldn't previously do.

Using creationisms logic this shouldn't be possible. Because if God put them there they should only be able to do what they were able to do from the beginning, however over 44,000 generations they can do this new trait no other generation could previously do. Which very much so supports Evolution and does not favor creationism.

I'm not bashing creationism, however I'm not for it. I firmly believe that Evolution is the superior theory simply because there is evidence to back the claims made up. Give me cold hard evidence to creationism and yes, I'll believe it. And yes, I know you like to play the Faith card, and that's fine, I won't get into that as I know if I do people will respond, flames will be made and things will go down that shouldn't. But I'll leave it at this: The faith card isn't enough for me. And it isn't enough for quite a few people (which is why evolution is the favored theory).

Although I accept both creationism and Evolution, I favor evolution. Articles like these are why.

I don't see why you get so defensive in all honesty. People make threads and post about evolution. You post too which is fine. But not once have you posted an article about creationism, and backed up your claims. And you wonder why people jump down your throats when you invade their thread with a different theory. Not to mention the fact that you don't seem to let evolution and creationism coexist. Why not? Some people believe in evolution. Some in creationism. Why let it bug you so much?

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