Ki barrier - Shockwave

New Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Its like this, This power is widely used and can be used by anyone that has the power to control their ki :D As seen in the show people defend themselves or push away with shockwave

i was thinking that ordinary attack would basicly be like blocking just that it pulls all your ki which slows down the "blocking" powerstruggle on your side but when it runs out its just as blocking normally, the good side is easier to block and would be blockable from more beams, Bad side is definatly that you have to use it as an attack, You cant have someone locked with melee or so, and you have to start powering up all over again

Secondary attack is also widely used and there they just send out a shockwave to push people away from you, And beams and weaker ki attacks

Dont say that this isnt used becouse i can give some examples if you want me to.
New Member
Nov 27, 2002
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Yeah, you mean the attack that looks kinda like telekinesis, right? The one Goku used against Freiza.

Have it act as a ball attack - it's just that the "ball" in this case is invisible. :)

I'd have it like this: it would only cause a nominal amount of damage - say, 3 hp. his means that you couldn't ps with it, since attacks that are significantly weaker are destroyed. If you hit with it, the enemy flies back as though he's been hit by melee.
New Member
May 4, 2003
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What would be the cool down/firing rate of this move? Anything that knocks a player back like a melee hit should be handled carefully, otherwise it would become as annoying as the AWP in Counter-Strike.
New Member
Nov 27, 2002
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It would take a little longer than a generic beam to reach minimum.

If it's not strong enough, then all it does is knock the opponent out of swoop.

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