I'm Done, No More

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Sep 8, 2002
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Today I have decided to stop wasting my life on the computer, I plan to stop making all those little tweak packs and other things for any game, I mean yeah wow I am l33t in Half-Life but when I think about it...it's just a game, I dont /need/ to waste weeks on making script packs and helping everyone who IMs me. Soo yeah, I might still do some mapping...maybe and I will probably make a new script pack, but other than that I am finished. I have also kicked my MMORPG addiction.

No longer will I concern myself with tweaking other people's stuff for best performance (unless it's their comp) and any sort of thing like that.

I need a /real/ life soooo badly :p
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Feb 14, 2002
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You should not say you need a "real" life, whats not real about it? I love useing my computer, use it all the die (though im kind of leaveing esf without noticeing, not comeing here much) but I still work and etc etc, if someone wants to go out all the time fine, if someone wants to stay in and use comp, fine, both are lives :p


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Dec 24, 2001
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Do what the thing you like. If you don't have fun scripting, just simply stop. If you don't have fun playing a game anymore.. just stop, find something new, easy as that. If that's what you're doing now, the go on with it... If you're doing it because you think it has no meaning, then you might want to reconsider, if you find your fun in scripting then I would just go on with that.
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May 30, 2003
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Do what you think is right Mr. Satan, if you think that what your doing makes you feel empty, then go ahead and change.
It is nice to have a life outside of computers, I know this, but some people are just linked to computers, they feel happy on them, and just like to be on them, not like an addiction, just a strong hobby.
But if you really think its hindering your social and personal life, then I would go with what you think.

Good luck man.


It is a well knwon fact going outside burns ur skin off and causes ur eyes to explode in a ball of blue fire. Get a life at ur own risk satan.
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Nov 25, 2001
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I say you should leave completely, but Ease yourself back in, striving for a perfect Balance of life and PC life.
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Sep 8, 2002
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Hmm, yeah, I like being on the comp and all, but it gets old after a while (when your comp is a piece of crap). I have alot of "smart" friends (like popular yet top of the class) but they never seem to go out. I need to try and get some friends who like anime and who go out and mess around alot, and god damn I need a tan.

Thanks for your support/ideas/suggestions. ^.^
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Jul 30, 2003
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I tried to get a tan once. Unfortunately, the process was slightly hindered when I burst into flame after being exposed to direct sunlight. Think I've watched "Blade" one too many times.
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Mar 23, 2002
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You're still a junior in highschool, Mr. Satan. You don't have to go out everyday, what are you going to do? It's just going to end up like this:

Let's go to the mall and chill!

That's a line you'll use everyday, because there is really no where to go. (Well, at least where I live there isn't :rolleyes: ) Yea, parties and all that good stuff are fun, but you only go to the good ones, not all of them. And I doubt a good party is thrown everyday. When I don't have anything to do, i'm at home on the computer all day. If I get tired of using the computer, i'll watch some t.v. or play some games. Usually, I just go out to eat with friends a lot. I find that fun and we eventually end up doing something, like meeting with some girls, or something out of the blue like that. :p
I don't think you should be "done" with what you do best. When you're 18 and have a car, THEN you can start having some real fun! Then again, some people on these forums and on IRC consider computer and ESF fun. Yea, they keep their social lives, but think about it. Everyone is married or has a girlfriend. People have jobs, families, and more important things to worry about. THAT'S having a life. Not just going out with friends everyday doing the same ****, that's what I like to call, an idiot. :laff:

But go ahead and leave me. I see how it is... :cry:
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💻 Oldtimer
Sep 8, 2002
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MyStiX said:
You're still a junior in highschool, Mr. Satan. You don't have to go out everyday, what are you going to do? It's just going to end up like this:

Let's go to the mall and chill!

That's a line you'll use everyday, because there is really no where to go. (Well, at least where I live there isn't :rolleyes: ) Yea, parties and all that good stuff are fun, but you only go to the good ones, not all of them. And I doubt a good party is thrown everyday. When I don't have anything to do, i'm at home on the computer all day. If I get tired of using the computer, i'll watch some t.v. or play some games. Usually, I just go out to eat with friends a lot. I find that fun and we eventually end up doing something, like meeting with some girls, or something out of the blue like that. :p
I don't think you should be "done" with what you do best. When you're 18 and have a car, THEN you can start having some real fun! Then again, some people on these forums and on IRC consider computer and ESF fun. Yea, they keep their social lives, but think about it. Everyone is married or has a girlfriend. People have jobs, families, and more important things to worry about. THAT'S having a life. Not just going out with friends everyday doing the same ****, that's what I like to call, an idiot. :laff:

But go ahead and leave me. I see how it is... :cry:

Hey! Stop revealing the truth! Anyways, I'm pretty pathetic, 17 with a renewed driving permit. Imma go grab my liscence (wow I cant spell that right 2night) when I get my grades up and my neighbor can hook me up with a good deal on a car (He's a car dealer). I just want to go out riding with friends to various places around where I live doing random things. I wanna do some crazy shait and not get in trouble, it's been so long.

Anyways, yeah, I have been feeling really empty lately only being on the comp and all *shrugs*
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Mar 21, 2003
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why should you quit, you can make money with coding...
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💻 Oldtimer
Sep 8, 2002
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I'm not "quitting" I'm just not going to be doing all the stuff I usually do 'round here and other places.

Also, I am learning how to program so I'm not very good yet (Currently in C++)
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Sep 25, 2003
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Do not let yourself be crucified upon a cross of pseudo but rather hold dearest the truth in the way you are and revel upon that choosing.


Zel ur post is emo and confusing...

BTW: Satan, skin, burning, dude.
The Sinister Minister
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Nov 25, 2001
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Canada - Manitoba
Well, Mr. S., do what you believe is right ;)

And believe you me, just driving around becomes a very tedious process -_-

*shudders thinking about the hour of driving he does every day in heavy traffic*

eww....wheelholders :S

At any rate, I'm sure it is a vast overstatement to say that you have no "real" life. School is a part of that, and it provides a great social environment, at least, the school I go to does. Going and doing something with your buds and then coming back and checking on your buds that are overseas or somewhat less accessible is not unhealthy, either.
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Jan 17, 2003
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If you wanna have real fun with your buds do somethink like CKY "CAMP KILL YOURSELF" or JACKASS now that's fun heheheheheh skateboarding,using shopping carts for stunts,jumping off roofs heheheheh!!

But then again being on the comp aint bad....
New Member
Jan 30, 2003
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You sound a lot like me a few years ago. Although Majin You is right, driving around doing randam stuff does it boring but it is really fun sometimes too. Anyway the point I wanted make in this post was...If you think you are out of the "social circle", I wouldn't worry about it one bit. If you are planning on going to college then I can PROMISE you that you will be having tons of fun with new people and old one too(maybe). Now that I am here at college again I laughed at my High School state of mind. Trust me you situation isn't as bad as you think.

(hmmm I think that was my longest post ever)
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💻 Oldtimer
Sep 8, 2002
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Heh, everyone thinks I am leaving, I'm not. I'm just not gonna be the active "helper" I was nor will I be making all kinds of stuff for games.

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