Precisely as others have said. Find your HL icon. The shortcut that starts HL, and right-click and go to porperties. And just add -console to the end of the target line. And it should work.
what the hell!! i tried everything, but nothing makes the console work. I tried all the things that people say to add at the end of the target line of the shortcut. Some of those things dont even let me make a server!!! HELP!!
youve GOT to be doing something wrong... make sure theres a space...heres an example of mine
C:\Sierra\Half-Life\hl.exe -game esf -console1
actually unless you installed somrewhere else just copy and paste this in one of them useless icons on the desktop, like tfc(team fortress classic), remember it goes in the FIRST command line that you see when you right click and choose properties
had the same problem and i called sierra and he told me to put -console without a space before the dash... it worked for me...
it may be ur OS whitch os do u havE?
os=operating system
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