Host/joining games

New Member
Dec 18, 2002
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hey everyone i just got half life today and i downloaded and installed everything i needed i have been playing for a few hours now. But i want to play with a friend just the 2 of us. I host but he cannot find the server why is this. what does he have to do or whatr do i have to do. i know to find internet games you have to have ip we tried that but the ip didnt work or something

thanks for the help in advance

OK also about the bots i think i know how to install them but can someone tell me where i can download them? i also need to know where to extract the file too.. please help.. this is so much to learn so confusing
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2002
Best answers
This is the URL to the bots.
Just download them and do everything the ReadMe tells you to.
I have the same problem with trying to play with my friends, its nearly impossible to play against eachother unless you're on LAN it seems.
Try this though,
Search for the name your friend uses and it will provide the IP of the server he is on, you may be able to join :D

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