HL2, DOOM3, THIEF3, WTF?????????

What to buy( I know, nForce 2 has some more video options,but:)

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New Member
Jun 28, 2003
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Erm, u guys- watch this:
1. Doom 3 alpha stoled
2. HL2 code stoled
3. Now 97 percentage of Thief 3 code stoled!

My god, where this world is going- just stealing codes and games, and buying pirate games! THAT?
We must wait more 1000000000000000000000000000000 months to buy those great games( but, this 3 accidents are better to people with low-end computers, they have time to upgrade)!
Anyway, why those stupid things happen! Why! For those damn stealing/thiefing people! Anyway, use of this thread is poll about buying these things: nForce 2 to buy, or wait nForce3! VOTE!
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2001
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Because people are idiots. They do it for self gain, to show off, to brag, whatever their reasons, I don't care.

When was the thief 3 source stolen, and 97%? The game doesn't even have a release date yet.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 5, 2002
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Wow... i haven't even heard of Doom3 being stolen... I agree with Optimus Prime... It's just stupidity... people think that it's cool to be a hacker and fail to do anything constructive.
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2001
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Doom 3 Alpha leak is old news, but Thief III, I havn't heard anything about that.
New Member
Dec 8, 2003
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all i know was that HL2 parts of game were stolen by hackers but thats it so i hope it doesnt take F***ing ages to be released
New Member
May 30, 2003
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Trust me, the alpha of Doom3 and HL2 was nothing special. It's stupid how they called the HL2 leak a beta, if it was, I'm not buying the game. It was not what I saw in the trailers thus far. Poor performance is expected in a beta, but you can barely do anything with it.
As for Doom3, nothing special once again in the Alpha, only 1 or 2 playable levels, very stupid AI and poor gameplay. Graphics were stunning however, and I ran it at 5 FPS on a p3 500 TNT1. Impressive was what I say.

These 'stealings' or leaks, whatever you people wish to call them, anyway I don't beleive for one second that these are the source of delays, people could do very little with the HL2 code and the Doom3 releases that were stolen. Not to mention it wasn't stolen to begin with, since they STILL have them. Progress was not delayed by these hackers, it was merely a jest, or excuse companies use to postpone the release of these games. The more hype, the better.

In my opinion, these releases are no big deal, nor are they a big hinder to anyone, Valve would have pushed back the release date REGUARDLESS of whether or not anything was leaked. As did Carmack for Doom 3.

I'm not saying these releases were right, but I'm just saying that the outcome would have been no different.
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 3, 2002
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Yeah, but Carmack isn't a bull**** artist. He pushed it back because it wasn't going to be ready. he didn't go, "Man, they stole our code...this is gonna cause some delays!"

Either way, the whole thing is lame. I hate thieving of any programs, of any sort, even mp3s and movies and stuff...so for me, this is extra incompetent. Dumb kids do not understand they are kicking their future great games in the nuts and accomplishing nothing for anyone in the process.

New Member
Jun 28, 2003
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Carmack is a lyer, we agree with that. BUT VALVE...
They mustn't delay shipping into stores. Half Life 2 is waited over 6 years(5, me bulling)! And, uhm, guys- why u don't Vote what to buy- I need that!
Thief 3...Buaaaaaa....
Nah, we must wait, that is bad... :cry:
Super Moderator
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2001
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Viki@killer said:
Carmack is a lyer, we agree with that. BUT VALVE...
They mustn't delay shipping into stores. Half Life 2 is waited over 6 years(5, me bulling)! And, uhm, guys- why u don't Vote what to buy- I need that!
Thief 3...Buaaaaaa....
Nah, we must wait, that is bad... :cry:
Dude, when was the Thief III source stolen? I havn't read anything about it on any gaming sites.
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💻 Oldtimer
May 14, 2003
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He's probably just lieing about it like with his 'transpack' =/.
New Member
May 30, 2003
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No one has waited longer for HL2 then the developers themselves. It really pains me to see people that think Valve is holding back HL2 just to piss them off, if they have to build it up then so be it. I hate the whiners out there that think they are going to die because HL2 was delayed, its really pathetic, as if you have more of a right to the game than the creators themselves, as if you already paid for the game and are waiting for them to release it.
It's just so.. boring, and it gives me a headache thinking about these people that believe they deserve this game more than anyone else.
No one has waited for HL2 for 6 years, it wasn't announced until last year at E3, thats when the 'waiting' started, you act as if Valve OWES you this game, please.


New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 4, 2001
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Just remember this... Half life 1 was delayed for over a year from the time it was supposed to be released so dont hold your breath for hl2... i know i am not going too.

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