A very sweet looking game but zomg no, is it halflife 2 all over again!?!
Heh, never realised that. ^_^Kurt` said:The leaked source code wasn't the reason why HL2 was delayed... if that's what you're getting at.
The reason it was delayed is because they grossly underestimated the date they would be finished.
It made the perfect scapegoat; everybody was raged at Anon for sure. =p
Would ordinary guns do a lot of damage versus some bastages from hell ?NinjApe said:The idea of the game is great, it's just the design that I don't like.
All those lasers and slime guns.
Would have prefered either modern like guns or like flintlock kind of stuff.
But slime and plasma? meh.
Cold Steel said:Would ordinary guns do a lot of damage versus some bastages from hell ?
And you think the guns they have now do? >.>Cold Steel said:In my opinion, such weapons don't go well with swords and almost medievil armour.