
New Member
Nov 15, 2002
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Okay, this is facts that I have gathered for the past two years that I notice the government, and media are careful not to say. I have yet to be proven wrong on any of these.

In Japan, England, and France, where they smoke 10 to 12 packs of cigarette's a day, there is less Lung Cancer.

%99 of all Lung Cancer victims have used toilet paper, %90 have eaten white bread, %98 have breathed in our air, and %97 have used chemically enhanced medicines, shampoos, and toothpastes. While only %79 (not 80) smoke.

Birth Control Pills were invented by one of Hitler's top loyal women in an attempt to get rid of the Spanish, Blacks, and any of the "ugly" and "imperfect" nations (not America). So they're a tool of death, in other words.

Aids was called Gaids originally, because it was spawned by male to male relationships. But it was changed because it was offensive to the *** people.

One glass of wine at night can help your digestive system, as well as help prevent the stomach colds. And for Koblano, God drank wine. Back in the biblical times, the people would harvest their fruit in the fall, and then ferment it in order to reserve it for the summer, when they drank it. They didn't have the fridge where they could pop their cool-aid into it. Jesus was also called a "wine-bibber" by the Pharisees, and what's wrong with juice? Nothing. These were the people that drank their juice (juice, not wine) in the Fall.

The sports teams were named Red Skins, or Indians as a tribute to the Native Americans (something still known nowadays, I think).

Crime has gone up %90 since the ten commandments were removed from the school, and crimes that happen inside of the schools has gone up %100.

The acid in soda can burn holes in ones stomach if they drink it too fast, and drink it too long. As little as five cokes a day can kill you.

The artificial sugars in Diet soda can burn holes in your brain if you drink it too long.

Artificial Flavors and Colors include Kerosene, the same type of fuel they put in Kerosene lamps. It can cause several health issues, and has been proven poisonous if eaten.

Any type of paper that is white is bleached. Including our paper towels, toilet paper, and female products. Bleach is considered highly poisonous if inserted into the body.

Before bleach, artificial, and soda's, people smoked almost daily, and drank wine too, and despite not having proper medicine, they were healthier then we are now.

The words Queer and *** used to mean Odd and Happy, and were used by proper gentlemen until the world perverted their meanings.
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Feb 14, 2002
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well theres a ton of usless infomation for ya o_O

%99 of all Lung Cancer victims have used toilet paper huh?

whats the other 1% use.. there hands?;/
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Nov 15, 2002
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Did you read it? It's not useless. Finding that stuff out has seriously made my healthier. This is the first time in those two years of studying that I've actually been sick at all. And that's just because I found out that my sister drank out of my waterbottle when she was sick...and we didn't know it until it was too late.

The other %1 use leaves.
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Feb 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Vegeta's Briefs
Did you read it? It's not useless. Finding that stuff out has seriously made my healthier. This is the first time in those two years of studying that I've actually been sick at all. And that's just because I found out that my sister drank out of my waterbottle when she was sick...and we didn't know it until it was too late.

The other %1 use leaves.
wow wow wow

chill, I was jokeing.. really
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Dec 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Vegeta's Briefs
Did you read it? It's not useless. Finding that stuff out has seriously made my healthier. This is the first time in those two years of studying that I've actually been sick at all. And that's just because I found out that my sister drank out of my waterbottle when she was sick...and we didn't know it until it was too late.

The other %1 use leaves.
Its made you healthier? as in you don't use toilet paper, you don't brush your teeth or wash your hair??? I don't think that is healthier!

(of corse i am j/k lol)

"In Japan, England, and France, where they smoke 10 to 12 packs of cigarette's a day, there is less Lung Cancer."

Try smoking 10 packs a day, I bet you will die of cancer most likely of the lung. I think the reason they have less has to do with less people smoking or just less people, not how many packs they smoke. I don't think you are trying to prove that cigarettes dont cause lung cancer, you are trying to prove that because of all the chemicals and **** that people use in the US they get more lung cancer, and I agree with that.
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Feb 23, 2003
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hmmm some of those things are not scientifically proven i believe such a the diet coke thing which is commonly argued over

interesting stuff tho. :)
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Feb 4, 2002
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Everything you said was knowledge I already had. And most of it wasn't that interesting.

The one about lung cancer victims is the most worthless of them all. Those facts are true for everyone.

And I would hardly consider the term Redskin as a "tribute" to the native americans. It's fairly derogatory.

And soda has a pH balance of 3. Which means it's very acidic. It can clean the rust off of metal. So drink up!

And I don't believe the gaids fact. Aids stands for Acquired Immune Defiency Syndrome. So I can't imagine it was ever called gaids, even though it did start as being passed between homosexual men.
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Nov 15, 2002
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Oh, they have been scientifically proven. I have taken two years of my life to make sure they were truly proven before spreading them anywhere. Oh, and everbody smokes in Japan and France. Maybe not in England, but definately Japan and France.

Originally posted by Evil_Trunks
The one about lung cancer victims is the most worthless of them all. Those facts are true for everyone.

Yes, but the fact is that in America, we have a lot of lung cancer, and they don't. And if you were talking about the percentage I gave, not everybody uses toilet paper, breaths in our air, use unnatural bathroom accessories (o_O), or eat white bread. My percentages are correct.

And I would hardly consider the term Redskin as a "tribute" to the native americans. It's fairly derogatory.
The indians used to like being called redskin, just like the black people used to like being called Negro (in fact, indians and black people called themselves Negro and Redskin). Besides, how is redskin derogatory, but white skin, and black skin isn't?

And I don't believe the gaids fact. Aids stands for Acquired Immune Defiency Syndrome. So I can't imagine it was ever called gaids, even though it did start as being passed between homosexual men.
It was called Gaids, look back in the old newspapers, like 1940 to 1960.
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Jan 6, 2002
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Out of pure morbid curiousity, " %98 have breathed in our air, " What do the other 2% breathe in exactly?

Originally posted by Vegeta's Briefs
The indians used to like being called redskin, just like the black people used to like being called Negro (in fact, indians and black people called themselves Negro and Redskin). Besides, how is redskin derogatory, but white skin, and black skin isn't?
I assume it is derrogatary because Indians skin isn't red, little known fact is that few humans that aren't kept in very hot conditions have red skin.

Originally posted by Vegeta's Briefs
Oh, and everbody smokes in Japan and France.
That is absolutely impossible to prove but incredibly easy to disprove. I know a man named Bill in France. He doesn't smoke.

Originally posted by Vegeta's Briefs
Birth Control Pills were invented by one of Hitler's top loyal women in an attempt to get rid of the Spanish, Blacks, and any of the "ugly" and "imperfect" nations (not America). So they're a tool of death, in other words..
This just scares me and not just because of the strange addition of (not America). I'll admit that there were experimentations with birth control probably for those very reasons but the phrase 'tool of death' sends shivers down my spine. It almost sounds like your calling those that use birthcontrol pills murders.. o_O
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Oct 2, 2002
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I love the rich pro-religion connotations that are found in this post. I'm surprised nameless hasn't come in and initiated Flame War II.
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Nov 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Engar
Out of pure morbid curiousity, " %98 have breathed in our air, " What do the other 2% breathe in exactly?

Artificial air, or air untouched by man (except for the user).

That is absolutely impossible to prove but incredibly easy to disprove. I know a man named Bill in France. He doesn't smoke.
If you're playing that way, Aunt Aiko, from Japan, smokes. So does her entire family, and her friends and their families, and her friends' friends and their families, and so and so forth. Also, her husband is French, and I would say the same thing about him. His family smokes, his friends smoke, and his friends family smokes, his family's friends smoke, etc...

This just scares me and not just because of the strange addition of (not America). I'll admit that there were experimentations with birth control probably for those very reasons but the phrase 'tool of death' sends shivers down my spine. It almost sounds like your calling those that use birthcontrol pills murders.. o_O
Birthcontrol prevents pregnancy. That's not murder, that's just keeping your sperm away from her eggs. But by doing that, you are not reproducing. That's how civilations fall.
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Jan 6, 2002
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I'm still puzzeled by artifical air but..

The thing about your argument about Japan and France is that in order for you to be right every man, women and child would have to smoke. In order for me to disprove this only one person would have to not smoke.

It's a given, not something you can argue with unless there is some despicable plot forcing people to smoke in France and Japan, that at least one person in both Japan and France does not smoke.

It would be like saying everyone in Scotland ate haggis, there is probably a family or two in Scotland that happen to eat a lot of haggis but nearly everyone else just eats something else.
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Nov 15, 2002
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Yes, but the term "everybody" is constantly used for the over %95 thing. Because not "every girl" is into pink, dresses, and Hello Kitty, unlike what those ads say. Not "every boy" wants a G.I. Joe action figure for Christmas, and not "every woman" wants jewels and necklaces. It's often used for the "most", so don't complain to me for using the term, complain to the television commercials, and "everybody".
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Jan 6, 2002
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*waves hand at sky*

Curse you 'everybody'! Curse you!!

So you are saying that 95% of the population of both Japan and France smoke? While I am on the whole anti-statistics (can't stand them and can't rely on them) I am curious as to where you got the figure.
New Member
Nov 15, 2002
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Why, from reading a variety of Japanese magazines, watching the television, taking a field trip, and prying information from my dear aunts and uncles. Where else can I get this kind of stuff?
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Feb 4, 2002
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Look back in the 1940's to 1960's???

You realize that AIDS was discovered in the 80's, right? And didn't actually exist before that. Especially not in the 40's to the 60's.

And what I was saying about the percentages. I'm saying that those percentages could be applied to everyone. Not just lung cancer victims.

Black people like being called negros? Are you out of your mind? Negro and redskin is derogatory just like someone calling me a cracker or a gringo.

And contraceptives are used voluntarily. So dont go saying that civilizations fall because of contraceptives. We have 6 billion people on this planet, I think we'll be fine.
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Nov 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Evil_Trunks
Look back in the 1940's to 1960's???

You realize that AIDS was discovered in the 80's, right? And didn't actually exist before that. Especially not in the 40's to the 60's.

In the 80's was when they removed the title Gaids, which in a sense would mean that AIDS was born. ACtually, the earliest sign of Aids that someone who hasn't done deep research in was the early 70's. Aids has forever been around, since homosexualty's first tries, and has only come out of the closet (heh heh) recently.

In fact, I've found some research that scientists have made that proves that Aids reaches back as far as Sodom and Gamorra (spelling).

And what I was saying about the percentages. I'm saying that those percentages could be applied to everyone. Not just lung cancer victims.
The point of those percentages were to actually show how much the scientists can twist facts. Because of that cigarette law.

Black people like being called negros? Are you out of your mind? Negro and redskin is derogatory just like someone calling me a ****** or cracker.
Black people used to call themselves Negroes! I know this because I have a 90 year old black man who still calls himself Negro, and he's proud of it. He says that the children nowadays don't know anything, and are just jumping at chances to get revenge on the Caucasians.

And contraceptives are used voluntarily. So dont go saying that civilizations fall because of contraceptives. We have 6 billion people on this planet, I think we'll be fine.
6 billion people on the planet...how much that would reduce if we had no children. The fact is, this world is meant to be filled with people, and without children, there would be no people. Besides, how many of those 6 billion are actually in America? If birth control was meant for destruction, and the fall of the nations, then shouldn't we treat it for what it was created for?
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Feb 4, 2002
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I want to see where you got the AIDS information from, please show me a site where I can get this stuff from.

There is currently ~280 million people in the united states. I'm still not really seeing your point on the birth control issue. This planet is crowded as it is.
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Nov 15, 2002
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A site? Like a website? WHERE THE HECK CAN I FIND A WEBSITE WITH THIS STUFF ON IT?! Dude, most of this is from the television, newspapers, asking questions...just like a good reporter! I didn't use webpages! If I COULD find one, then believe me, I would.

The planet Can't be crowded. We have more than enough space. Birth control. We have less people willing to have children now than we ever did. If we keep refusing to have children, then we will kill ourselves off. If it weren't for immigration, we'd have less people in America then we did before birth control. How can you guys think that by deprieving a nation of the youth, it won't kill it off? The children are the future.

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