if you die wile your tranformd it would be cool the body falls on the ground and you transform back to the first form so if your ssj1
goku he falls and the hair turn black again
Nice idea there Vegeta, that would be a nice add on, good thinking! I don't know how the coding will go though, may be a bit difficult. I think that effect would be another smear of true atmosphere, i like it!
Yeah this would look kewl but it should only b 4 saiyans bcoz it would look ghey if some1 like cell went back to a previous form when he is defeated or something.
thats already been worked out the detransforming for non-saiyans so yeah it would be nice if ya were killed by a not real powerfull beam or melee, i hope they add beam engulfing
Agreed, if cell dies he dies the way he is along with the rest of the non-saiyens, even frieza doesnt un-transform so to speak. Although it would be awsome for saiyans none the less.
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