
New Member
Jul 14, 2004
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On the Annihilatrix.
I'm trying to edit some information in the program files for Empire Earth 2 (change the names of units)

The only way i can do this is through editing the file in spreadsheet, which im able to do. The problem is that it needs to be re-saved as a DDF file. Spreadsheet can't do that.

So does anyone know of a program i could download that will allow me to edit and re-save the DDF files? I would've posted this in the tech bench... But ill be honest, i thought i'd get more help if it was in General Chat ;]

Hope someone can help.
New Member
Jul 14, 2004
Best answers
On the Annihilatrix.
Already tried it =/

I'm thinking i'll just give up soon. I've spent hours today googling the damn file format.

I just wanna change the names of the units from "Stealth Bomber" to "B-2 Spirit" or "Stealth Fighter" to "F-22 Raptor". Is it too much to ask? ;P
New Member
Jul 14, 2004
Best answers
On the Annihilatrix.
Nice idea MC! I can edit and save the file now.

Now for bonus points.. if you could help me figure out which name to change to make it appear to be "F-35 Lightning II" instead of "Stealth Fighter" In epoch 14, ill be eternally grateful. No big deal if you can't though.

UnitType Fighter
parent = Aircraft
visualName = Fighter_11
properties {
rps = AirSuperiority
SizeX = 1
SizeY = 1
mass = 0
HitPoints = 666
VerboseTooltip = vtt_unit_Fighter
popCount = 2
sounds = {
abilities = [
AircraftMove {speed = 6.9; angSpeed = 90; CruisingHeight = 4.0; ElevChangeRate = 0.5}
Attack { range = 0; reloadTime = 1; applyDamageTime = 0; damage = 0; missileName = "GuidedMissile"; attackOnTheMove = 1 }
LOS { range = 0 }
fullMapOverlay { sprite = spr_fullmap_plane; scale = 1.5; }
attributes [

// Add to mobile units for a blobby ellipsoid shadow
ShadowData fighterShadow_01
Flags = (IsMobile | ImmutableBounds)
TextureFilename = af11_biplane_shadow.tga
WidthScale = 0.9
LengthScale = 0.9
HeightScale = 0.1

ShadowData fighterShadow_02
Flags = (IsMobile | ImmutableBounds)
TextureFilename = AF12_interceptor_shadow.tga
WidthScale = 0.9
LengthScale = 0.9
HeightScale = 0.1

ShadowData fighterShadow_03
Flags = (IsMobile | ImmutableBounds)
TextureFilename = AF13_JetFighter_shadow.tga
WidthScale = 0.9
LengthScale = 0.9
HeightScale = 0.1

ShadowData fighterShadow_04
Flags = (IsMobile | ImmutableBounds)
TextureFilename = af14_StealthFighter_shadow.tga
WidthScale = 0.9
LengthScale = 0.9
HeightScale = 0.1

ShadowData fighterShadow_05
Flags = (IsMobile | ImmutableBounds)
TextureFilename = AF15_Atmospheric_shadow.tga
WidthScale = 0.9
LengthScale = 0.9
HeightScale = 0.1

// EPOCH 11
// Attack Ability Upgrade
UpgradeAbilities FighterEpoch11Attack
upgradedAbilities = [
AircraftMove {speed = 5.75; angSpeed = 85; CruisingHeight = 4.0; ElevChangeRate = 0.5}
Attack { damage = 0; range = 0; reloadTime = 666; angularRange = 120; applyDamageTime = 0; ignoreBlocking = 1; attackOnTheMove = 1; ordnance = 18 }

// Veteran Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch11Veteran
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_veteran_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// Elite Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch11Elite
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_elite_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// EPOCH 12
// Attack Ability Upgrade
UpgradeAbilities FighterEpoch12Attack
upgradedAbilities = [
AircraftMove {speed = 6.325; angSpeed = 88; CruisingHeight = 4.0; ElevChangeRate = 0.5}
Attack { damage = 0; range = 0; reloadTime = 666; angularRange = 120; applyDamageTime = 0; ignoreBlocking = 1; attackOnTheMove = 1; ordnance = 20 }

// Veteran Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch12Veteran
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_veteran_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// Elite Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch12Elite
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_elite_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// EPOCH 13
// Attack Ability Upgrade
UpgradeAbilities FighterEpoch13Attack
upgradedAbilities = [
AircraftMove {speed = 6.9; angSpeed = 91; CruisingHeight = 4.0; ElevChangeRate = 0.5}
Attack { damage = 0; range = 0; reloadTime = 666; angularRange = 120; applyDamageTime = 0; missileName = "GuidedMissile"; ignoreBlocking = 1; attackOnTheMove = 1; ordnance = 25 }

// Veteran Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch13Veteran
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_veteran_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// Elite Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch13Elite
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_elite_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// EPOCH 14
// Attack Ability Upgrade
UpgradeAbilities FighterEpoch14Attack
upgradedAbilities = [
AircraftMove {speed = 7.475; angSpeed = 93; CruisingHeight = 4.0; ElevChangeRate = 0.5}
Attack { damage = 0; range = 0; reloadTime = 666; angularRange = 120; applyDamageTime = 0; missileName = "GuidedMissile"; ignoreBlocking = 1; attackOnTheMove = 1; ordnance = 28 }

// Veteran Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch14Veteran
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_veteran_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// Elite Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch14Elite
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_elite_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// EPOCH 15
// Attack Ability Upgrade
UpgradeAbilities FighterEpoch15Attack
upgradedAbilities = [
AircraftMove {speed = 8.05; angSpeed = 95; CruisingHeight = 4.0; ElevChangeRate = 0.5}
Attack { damage = 0; range = 0; reloadTime = 666; angularRange = 120; applyDamageTime = 0; missileName = "GuidedMissile"; ignoreBlocking = 1; attackOnTheMove = 1; ordnance = 32 }

// Veteran Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch15Veteran
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_veteran_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// Elite Upgrade
UpgradeUnitTypeImprove FighterEpoch15Elite
unitType = Fighter
name = tx_utn_elite_modify_name
upgradeRefs = [

// EPOCH 11
UnitModel Fighter_11
Parent = BaseAircraft
DefaultModel = AF11_biplane.nif
ChildNames = [ TheAmmoBar fighterShadow_01 Biplane_FlyingParts Beam_Tracer01 Muzzle_Rifleman expl_heli_Tandrill ]
States = [
{ StateName = Idle AnimName = af11_biplane_idle.KF
TextKeys = [{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_04 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Walk AnimName = af11_biplane_walk.KF
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_04 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Attack1 AnimName = af11_biplane_attack.KF
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_04 KeyTime = 0}
{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_battle_assrifle_fire KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Takeoff
TextKeys = [{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_takeoff_04 KeyTime = 0}]}

{ StateName = Death AnimName = af11_biplane_death.KF
TextKeys = [
{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_04 KeyTime = 0}

// EPOCH 12
UnitModel Fighter_12
Parent = BaseAircraft
DefaultModel = AF12_interceptor.nif
ChildNames = [ VaporTrail5 VaporTrail6 TheAmmoBar fighterShadow_02 Interceptor_FlyingParts Beam_Tracer01 Muzzle_Rifleman expl_heli_Tandrill ]
States = [
{ StateName = Idle AnimName = af12_interceptor_idle.KF
TextKeys = [{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_01 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Walk AnimName = af12_interceptor_walk.KF
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_01 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Attack1 AnimName = af12_interceptor_attack.KF
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_01 KeyTime = 0}
{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_battle_assrifle_fire KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Takeoff AnimName = af12_interceptor_takeoff.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_takeoff_01 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Death AnimName = af12_interceptor_death.KF
TextKeys = [
{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_plane_04 KeyTime = 0}
UIRenderingParams {
xOffset = 0.01
yOffset = 0.01
zOffset = -1.54
scale = 1.79
angle = 18.95

// EPOCH 13
UnitModel Fighter_13
Parent = BaseAircraft
DefaultModel = AF13_JetFighter.nif
ChildNames = [ VaporTrail5 VaporTrail6 VaporTrail3 VaporTrail4 EngineTrail1 EngineTrail2 TheAmmoBar fighterShadow_03 JetFighter_FlyingParts expl_heli_Tandrill ]
States = [
{ StateName = Idle AnimName = AF13_JetFighter_idle.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Walk AnimName = AF13_JetFighter_walk.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Attack1 AnimName = AF13_JetFighter_attack.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}
{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_rocket_launch KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Takeoff AnimName = AF13_JetFighter_takeoff.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_takeoff_03 KeyTime = 0}]}

{ StateName = Death AnimName = AF13_JetFighter_death.kf
TextKeys = [
{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}
UIRenderingParams {
xOffset = 0.01
yOffset = -0.44
zOffset = -1.11
scale = 2.43
angle = 18.95

// EPOCH 14
UnitModel Fighter_14
Parent = BaseAircraft
DefaultModel = AF14_StealthFighter.nif
ChildNames = [ VaporTrail5 VaporTrail6 VaporTrail3 VaporTrail4 EngineTrail1 EngineTrail2 TheAmmoBar fighterShadow_04 StealthFighter_FlyingParts expl_heli_Tandrill ]
States = [
{ StateName = Idle AnimName = af14_StealthFighter_idle.KF
TextKeys = [{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Walk AnimName = af14_StealthFighter_walk.KF
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Attack1 AnimName = af14_StealthFighter_attack.KF
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}
{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_rocket_launch KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Takeoff AnimName = af14_StealthFighter_takeoff.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_takeoff_03 KeyTime = 0}]}

{ StateName = Death AnimName = af14_StealthFighter_death.KF
TextKeys = [
{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}
UIRenderingParams {
xOffset = 0.01
yOffset = 0.57
zOffset = 0.55
scale = 2.05
angle = 18.95

// EPOCH 15
UnitModel Fighter_15
Parent = BaseAircraft
DefaultModel = AF15_Atmospheric.nif
ChildNames = [ VaporTrail1 VaporTrail2 VaporTrail5 VaporTrail6 TheAmmoBar fighterShadow_05 Atmospheric_FlyingParts expl_heli_Tandrill ]
States = [
{ StateName = Idle AnimName = af15_atmospheric_idle.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Walk AnimName = af15_atmospheric_walk.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Attack1 AnimName = af15_atmospheric_attack.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = START_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}
{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_bomb_drop KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Takeoff AnimName = af15_atmospheric_takeoff.kf
TextKeys = [{ Name = PLAY_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_takeoff_03 KeyTime = 0}]}
{ StateName = Death AnimName = af15_atmospheric_death.kf
TextKeys = [
{ Name = STOP_SOUND Data = fx_move_jet_03 KeyTime = 0}
UIRenderingParams {
xOffset = 0.01
yOffset = 0.50
zOffset = 0.70
scale = 2.05
angle = 18.95

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💻 Oldtimer
Mar 13, 2005
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You must always remember the power of Notepad.
New Member
Jul 14, 2004
Best answers
On the Annihilatrix.
Unfortunately, the power wasn't vast enough... I edited the "missile silo" and saved it.

Empire Earth 2 wouldn't run =/ All i did was change the name and the attack range of the Missiles. I'm thinking the name was what made it act goofy.

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