But where's Vegito?

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Mar 12, 2005
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Just a thing here . If Vegitto where a base caracter than what was the dbz for , I mean Vegitto is a warrior made from the fusion of Goku and Vegeta , and to take it in a different way if the fusion was made with a dance [combo between the two for example] who wil have the control of the super warrior ??
New Member
Nov 28, 2002
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if you wanna mod esf with evm you can use veggto. one persion needs goku and the other vegeta you use the dbs to wish for the porta rings. pick them up and throw on to the persion you wanna fuse with. once he pickes it up and you both eq the rings you fuse. you can switch back and forth on controling him every 30 seconds. one persion stears the beams and the other does the rest. the fusion only brakes if you are killed.
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Mar 16, 2004
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bldskakarot said:
just download EVM 2.0 get the dragonballs and fuse into vegetto
The Evm vegito sucked. Even a base character can beat him no problem. The worst thing about that is the controls.
New Member
Mar 12, 2005
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Hey hey hey "one persion stears the beams and the other does the rest" , that is the stupidest thing i ever heard sincerely , if you whant Vegitto you might ask for this , when you fuse , on common agrenment the supper warrior should be controled by one of thoes fighters not by both in the same time , if there were both in the same time i think that is a stupid thing , think obout when you do melee or when you move ,
it's best that does 2 warriors who have fused to be sure who will control that warrior! If I'm fuse-ing =P with a dude , and I don't know him , we should have a vote ,you know. But anyway the team will be more carefull on the controling and fusion , and power wich i think it would be better to have a double like 3.0 when you do the fusion , They will know better than me aniway
New Member
Feb 28, 2005
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Hmm... I am/I was pretty new player of ESF when I made this thread, maybe just a day and I just heard of EVM! So all those who say to me that "Why don't you just fuse to Vegito in EVM?": I didn't know about EVM when I made this thread, but now I know...

I agree, Vegito is too weak for a fusion of Goku and Vegeta, and if you die even once, you'll have to gather DB's again, and wish for potaras again, and fuse again. + Vegito won't turn SSJ very easily like normal characters. o_O But I like that Vegito's in ESF/EVM and that's enough for me.:)

But Vegito has one very, very effective move: Banshee Blast. (I kill myself easily when doing that:D..)

And one person doesn't stear beams and other does rest.. You and you're friend (with you've been fused into Vegito) must select, who control's Vegito, just pressing 0.
New Member
Mar 12, 2005
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That's a good thing , i didn't know that the controls were selectable , but I know that VEGITTO is the best character [after Goku] :] And I'd like Gojitto to be in esf 1.5 [Gojitto=the fusion between Gogeta and Vegitto] :D

Vegito^ , I wold like to share your opinion : VEGITTO IS THE BEST FIGHTER IN ALL DBZ [after Goku] =P
New Member
Mar 12, 2005
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That's a good thing , i didn't know that the controls were selectable , but I know that VEGITTO is the best character [after Goku] :] And I'd like Gojitto to be in esf 1.5 [Gojitto=the fusion between Gogeta and Vegitto] :D

Vegito^ , I wold like to share your opinion : VEGITTO IS THE BEST FIGHTER IN ALL DBZ [after Goku] =P

Sry all but i life to far away and my message whasen't posted so i stoped the action , i wouldn,t double post again , Sry again
New Member
Nov 28, 2002
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they changed to with the patch the other persion is just locked in frst persion. you can switch back and forth thow. to get vegtto ssj you need to both be at least at 5 mil pl and fuse. then veggto will be at 20 mil and he goes super veggto and hes dealdy then his speical will kill everyone. and gogeta is the strongest char of them all. even if they dont use gt gogeta ssj4. ssj2 gogeta from the movie is just as bad ass.
New Member
Mar 12, 2005
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What about the release?? we all know that Vegitto will not be in 1.3 so , "let it be" :]
Improvise a subject , and I know that is to bad because i don't whant to use gt , i just whant the vegeta , gogeta , and super17 or 16 i really don't remember :] , And the team should know this , If Gyniu [...write..] Had that skil to change bodyes it was great but not when he transforms , he appears in other bodyes , i think that 18 and ginyu should not transform but 18 should have absorbtion , wich makes she's pl great and ginyu should have the changing body skill :] because he can change bodyes and get in yours wich is a ssj3 or a kidbuu etc .

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