bojack gohan ssj1

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Jul 6, 2003
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The return of MajinPunk is here.......................

as the model goes, its wierd, but it looks ok.
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Jun 30, 2003
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Almighty_gir said:
well, im glad you asked that question :)

modeling is the construction of a model, or should i say a form. for instance, a model can be anything from a bipedal human, to some creature you make up in your head that doesnt really have a classification. it involves shaping "primitives" ie. cylinders,boxes etc, into more complex shapes, like legs and heads for example.

the place in between modeling and skinning would be skinmapping. which is the process of identifying which vertecies (points) on the model relate directly to the skin. kind of like co-ordinates on a map you would use to find ur way somewhere.

skinning is the process in which you actually put a texture on the model. give it colour, a lot of depth is given to a model using shading and highlighting of the skin.
as you can see, my model is plain. after it is skinned or textured, you would see visible differences between the skin, the clothes, the eyes etc.

hope that clears up any questons :) and i hope i dont get told off for spamming :p

and i have no more updates on this model im affraid, im much too busy working on a mod. feel free to visit the forum, link is in my sig!
you could've saved ur time by just saying "modeling is a 3-dimensional model that is made using polygons. a skin is a texture applied to the model", yet you wrote two paragraphs that only could've tooken two sentences to get the point across.

yes the model is somewhat off. mainly the head. the rest looks good i guess. keep it up gir.
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Mar 1, 2004
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hey almighty girl what program did u use for that gohan and could some one give me instructions on how to make a skeleton show like the gohan pic on top
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 14, 2003
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ok firstly, why should i help you when you dont even get my name right, second, i use 3d studio max, i dont reccomend it if ur only gonna edit models. third, im assuming you mean the sketch that ssj toast posted, its a referance picture, modelers draw referance pictures of a character at multiple angles, to help with proportions and suchlike

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