Blast size looping...

New Member
Dec 30, 2002
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Now, I don't want to anger any Tiki Gods, so disregard my humble self if I offend you. But, blast size seems to loop over after you reach a certian power level, or your blast's power level becomes too big.

From a coder's standpoint this most likely has to do with an integer not having a big enough bit value. But whatever. When you get into unsigned longs not being big enough... it's time for a new system.

Just in case for whatever ungodly reason such a simple solution hasn't already been proposed, I think a single maximum blast size should be defined. It should be simple enough to do, to not rock the entire code system, though I would not be surprised if I was wrong.

I just believe most people would rather see their big bang attack not get any bigger, as apposed to it shrinking to kiblast size. Their 500 mil power levels humbled.

Also, and this may have been suggested before in slightly different form, but a cvar for starting pl might be nice to implement, the characters' varying starting powerlevels converted into multipliers. That way it is relatively fair for everyone, instead of all these requests for some power level cheat.

Again.. I apologize for offending any coders out there; I know I disliked it when people who didn't know the whole story tried interjecting with their own code suggestions. But I doubt I'll be seeing ESF's source any time soon.
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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Yes I agree. The looping is awful.
I was 645 million and my beams did nothing.
They just faded away, and before that at about 300 million the blast sizes started getting smaller and smaller.
It annoyed the hell out of me i had to change character
I also agree that angering Tiki Gods isnt a good idea,
but you know whats even less of a good idea?
Pissing into a power socket (My former dog did that and died, the house stunk for weeks)
So change IT!!!!!!

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